#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket/base

;; glyph :: Convert between glyphs and their pronunciation.
;; see http://urbit.org/docs/dev/hoon/leap-in/1-basic#-how-to-form-expressions
;; Author: Ben Sima <bensima@gmail.com>
;; License: MIT

 (only-in racket/cmdline command-line)
 (only-in racket/format ~a ~v)
 (only-in racket/string string-join)
 (only-in racket/dict dict-has-key?)
 (only-in racket/list empty? take drop))

;;; Dictionary and conversion functions

(define glyphs
  '((ace . #\space )
    (gal . #\<)
    (pel . #\()
    (bar . #\|)
    (gap . #\newline)
    (gap . #\tab)
    (per . #\))
    (bas . #\\)
    (gar . #\>)
    (sel . #\[)
    (buc . #\$)
    (hax . #\#)
    (sem . #\;)
    (cab . #\_)
    (hep . #\-)
    (ser . #\])
    (cen . #\%)
    (kel . #\{)
    (soq . #\')
    (col . #\:)
    (ker . #\})
    (tar . #\*)
    (com . #\,)
    (ket . #\^)
    (tec . #\`)
    (doq . #\")
    (lus . #\+)
    (tis . #\=)
    (dot . #\.)
    (pam . #\&)
    (wut . #\?)
    (fas . #\/)
    (pat . #\@)
    (sig . #\~)
    (zap . #\!)))

(define (not-found x) (format "Not found in glyph dictionary: ~a" x))

(define (glyph->name glyph)
  (let ((res (filter (lambda (pair) (eq? (cdr pair) glyph)) glyphs)))
    (if (eq? '() res) ;could really use anaphora here
        (not-found glyph)
        (caar res))))

(define (name->glyph name)
  (if (dict-has-key? glyphs name)
      (cdar (filter (lambda (pair) (eq? (car pair) name)) glyphs))
      (not-found name)))

;;; Table output functions

(define (pair->row p)
  (let* ((name    (car p))
         (glyph   (cdr p)))
     (string-append (~a "|  " name " |")
                    (~v glyph #:min-width 10 #:left-pad-string " " #:align 'right)
                    " |\n"

(define (dict->table d)
  (display "| Name | Glyph     |\n")
  (display "|------+-----------|\n")
  (map pair->row d))

;;; Input Parser

(define (parse-glyphs s)
  (map glyph->name (string->list s)))

;;; Entrypoint

(define main

   [("-a" "--all") "Print a table all the glyphs."
    (dict->table glyphs)]

   #:args input
   (cond ((empty? input) ; return nothing if no input

           (printf "~a~n"
               (map symbol->string
                    (parse-glyphs (car input)))))))))

;; FIXME: I need to write my own CLI parser:
;;    ben@neb bin : glyph "++"
;;    glyph "++"
;;    glyph: unknown switch: ++