#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

-- | Calculates and displays an overview of my finances.
-- TODO: bip metrics
--   - calculate how many bips my monthly nut is, should be <100
--   - put runway in terms of bips? what else can I calculate in bips?
--   - add --bips flag for all conversions?
module Main where

import Data.Decimal (Decimal (..), DecimalRaw (..), divide, realFracToDecimal, roundTo, roundTo')
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Function ((&))
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as IO
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, fromGregorian, toGregorian)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (..), diffTimeToPicoseconds, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Hledger
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Rainbow
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import qualified System.Process as Process

today :: IO Day
today = getCurrentTime >>= return . utctDay

-- | My impl of 'defaultJournal' with auto postings enabled
getJournal :: IO Journal
getJournal = defaultJournalPath >>= readJournalFile inputopts >>= either error' return
  where inputopts = definputopts { auto_ = True }

-- | For running stuff in ghci
run :: (Journal -> Day -> a) -> IO a
run f = do
  j <- getJournal
  t <- today
  return $ f j t

janj :: CommoditySymbol -> Maybe ValuationType
janj = Just . AtNow . Just

main = do
  let banner txt = Process.callProcess "figlet" ["-f", "small", txt ]
  (cur, value_) <-
      >>= \case
        ["sat"] -> banner "sats" >> pure (SAT, janj "sat")
        ["sats"] -> banner "sats" >> pure (SAT, janj "sat")
        ["btc"] -> banner "bitcoin" >> pure (BTC, janj "BTC")
        _ -> banner "fiat" >> pure (USD, janj "USD")

  let reportopts = defreportopts {value_ = value_}
  j <- getJournal
  t <- today
  let bal = getTotal j t reportopts
  sec "balances"
  row "  cashapp" (cur $ bal "^as:me:cash:cashapp status:! status:*") Nothing
  row "   wallet" (cur $ bal "^as:me:cash:wallet") Nothing
  row "      cse" (cur $ bal "^as:me:cash:cse status:*") Nothing
  row "     disc" (cur $ bal "^li:me:cred:discover status:*") Nothing
  row "     citi" (cur $ bal "^li:me:cred:citi status:*") Nothing

  sec "allowances"
  row "      ben" (cur $ bal "^li:me:allowance:ben cur:USD") Nothing
  row "     kate" (cur $ bal "^li:me:allowance:kate cur:USD") Nothing
  row "    tithe" (cur $ bal "^li:me:church:tithe cur:USD") Nothing
  row "nick rent" (cur $ bal "^li:me:rent:nick cur:USD") Nothing

  let (year, month, _) = toGregorian t
  let expectedLevel = fromJust $ Map.lookup (roundTo 2 $ (fromIntegral year + fromIntegral month / 12) - (1992 + 7 / 12)) $ levelSchedule cur
  let expectedNetWorth = unlevel expectedLevel
  let monthlyNut = nut t $ bal "^ex:me:want ^ex:..:need"
  let thisMonth = bal "^ex:me:want ^ex:..:need date:thismonth"

  sec "metrics"
  row "    in-ex" (Limit 0 $ bal "^in ^ex:me:want ^ex:..:need" / monthsSinceBeginning t) $ Just "keep this negative to make progress"
  row "    li:as" (Percent_ $ 100 * (- bal "^li") / bal "^as") Nothing
  -- let lastyear = 2020
  -- row "   in:net" (- getTotal j t (defreportopts {value_ = value_, period_ = YearPeriod 2020}) "^in:me") Nothing
  -- net cash is limited to USD because that is what I can effectively spend
  let netCash = bal "^as:me:cash ^li:me:cred cur:USD"
  row " net cash" (Target 0 netCash) $ Just "credit spending minus cash. keep it positive"
  row "month nut" (Limit monthlyNut thisMonth) $ Just $ "avg: " <> (display $ Diff $ monthlyNut - thisMonth)
  let netWorth = bal "^as ^li"
  row "      bip" (roundTo 2 $ trivial * netWorth) Nothing
  -- ideally: ramen 12 mo, runway 4 yrs.
  let (_, _, runwayMo) = runway j t reportopts
  row "   runway" (Target 12 runwayMo) $ Just "want: 12 months"
  let (ramenNut, _, ramenMo) = ramen j t reportopts
  row "    ramen" (Target 3 ramenMo) $ Just $ "want: 3 months" <> gap <> "nut: " <> display ramenNut
  let (thisyear, thismonth, _) = toGregorian t
  let age = fromInteger thisyear - 1992 + fromIntegral (thismonth-7)/12 -- offset for birthmonth
  let n = whenFreedom j t reportopts
  let ageFree = roundTo 1 $ (n / 12) + age :: Decimal
  row "fire rate" (Percent_ $ savingsRate j t reportopts) Nothing
  let fireFund = targetFund j t reportopts
  row "fire fund" fireFund $ Just $ "plan: "
    <> (display $ fromJust $ Map.lookup (level fireFund) $ levelScheduleRev cur)
  row "when free" (Months_ n) $ Just $ "I'll be " <> pr ageFree <> " years old"

  sec $ "plan [" <> show (roundTo 2 $ age) <> "]"
  row "net worth" (Target expectedNetWorth $ netWorth) $ Just $ "plan: " <> display (cur expectedNetWorth)
  row "    level" (Target expectedLevel $ level netWorth)
    $ Just $ "plan: " <> display expectedLevel
  let maturity = fromJust $ Map.lookup (level netWorth) $ levelScheduleRev cur
  row " maturity" (Target age maturity) $ Just $ "diff: " <> (display $ Diff (maturity - age))
  let levelup n = level netWorth & (+ n) & roundTo' floor 1 & unlevel & \target -> target - netWorth
  let nextLevel incr = let n = (roundTo' floor 1 $ level netWorth + incr)
        in display n <> ", age: " <> display (fromJust $ Map.lookup n $ levelScheduleRev cur)
  row "     next" (levelup 0.1) $ Just $ nextLevel 0.1
  row "    nnext" (levelup 0.2) $ Just $ nextLevel 0.2
  row "   nnnext" (levelup 0.3) $ Just $ nextLevel 0.3
  let satbal = getTotal j t (defreportopts {value_ = janj "sat"}) "^as cur:'BTC|sat|sats'"
  row "real sats" satbal Nothing

-- | <type> <expected> <actual>
data Metric
  = Target Quantity Quantity
  | Limit Quantity Quantity

-- | Tag displayable things so I can change how things print, e.g. add a percent
-- sign, or some coloring, etc.
class Display a where
  display :: a -> Chunk

instance Display Chunk where
  display c = c

-- green = achieved
-- yellow = within 5% of achieving
-- red = work to do
instance Display Metric where
  display = \case
    Target expected actual -> color actual (>=) expected $ display actual
    Limit expected actual -> color actual (<=) expected $ display actual
      color :: Quantity -> (Quantity -> Quantity -> Bool) -> Quantity -> Chunk -> Chunk
      color actual cmp expected
        | actual `cmp` expected = fore green
        | actual `cmp` (expected * 0.95) = fore yellow
        | otherwise = fore red

-- | Tag numbers for different kinds of displays
data Tagged a
  = Months_ a
  | Percent_ a
  | Diff a
  | USD a
  | SAT a
  | BTC a
  | Months a

instance (Num a, Ord a, Display a) => Display (Tagged a) where
  display (USD q) = display q <> chunk " USD"
  display (SAT q) = display q <> chunk " sat"
  display (BTC q) = display q <> chunk " BTC"
  display (Months_ q) = display q <> " months"
  display (Percent_ p) = display p <> "%"
  display (Diff n)
    | n > 0 = "+" <> display n
    | n < 0 = display n
    | n == 0 = "=="

instance Display Text where
  display t = chunk t

-- | Pretty-print a number. From https://stackoverflow.com/a/61070523/1146898
instance Display Quantity where
  display d = chunk $
    T.intercalate "." $ case T.splitOn "." $ T.pack $ show $ roundTo 2 d of
      x : xs -> (T.pack . reverse . go . reverse . T.unpack) x : xs
      xs -> xs
      go (x : y : z : []) = x : y : z : []
      go (x : y : z : ['-']) = x : y : z : ['-']
      go (x : y : z : xs) = x : y : z : ',' : go xs
      go xs = xs

sec :: String -> IO ()
sec label = putStrLn $ "\n=== " <> label <> " ==="

pr :: Show s => s -> Chunk
pr = chunk . pack . show

row :: (Display a) => Chunk -> a -> Maybe Chunk -> IO ()
row label value note =
  putChunkLn $ gap <> label <> ":" <> gap <> display value <> " " <> rest
    rest = case note of
      Nothing -> ""
      Just a -> gap <> "\t(" <> a <> ")"

gap :: Chunk
gap = "  "

-- | There's levels to life, a proxy metric for what level you're at is your net
-- worth rounded down to the nearest power of 10.
level :: Decimal -> Decimal
level = realFracToDecimal 2 . logBase 10 . realToFrac

-- | Given a level, return the net worth required to achieve that level.
unlevel :: Decimal -> Decimal
unlevel = realFracToDecimal 2 . (10 **) . realToFrac

levelAtAge cur age = fromJust $ Map.lookup (roundTo 2 age) $ levelSchedule cur

unlevelAtAge cur = unlevel . levelAtAge cur

-- Shows the steps between levels
steps start = zip (map realToFrac lvls) (zipWith (-) (ls ++ [0]) (0 : ls))
    lvls = [start, start + 0.01 .. 8.0]
    ls = map (realToFrac . unlevel) lvls

-- | Map of level to age.
levelScheduleRev :: (Quantity -> Tagged Decimal) -> Map.Map Decimal Decimal
levelScheduleRev cur = Map.fromList $ zip lvls ages
  where (ages, lvls) = levelSchedule' cur

-- | Map of age to level. Age is year + month as a decimal.
levelSchedule :: (Quantity -> Tagged Decimal) -> Map.Map Decimal Decimal
levelSchedule cur = Map.fromList $ zip ages lvls
  where (ages, lvls) = levelSchedule' cur

-- | Helper for above fns
levelSchedule' :: (Quantity -> Tagged Decimal) -> ([Decimal], [Decimal])
levelSchedule' cur = (ages++[70], lvls++[goal])
    ultimateGoal = cur 1_000_000_000 -- thats a billion usd
    (start, goal) = case ultimateGoal of
      USD n -> (5.0, level n)
      -- normalize btc/sat levels to comparative usd levels, given exchange rate
      -- assumptions below
      BTC n -> (level $ usdToBtc $ unlevel 5, level $ usdToBtc n)
      SAT n -> (level $ usdToSat $ unlevel 5, level $ usdToSat n)
    step = (goal - start) / 600
    ages = map (roundTo 2) [20, 20 + 1 / 12 .. 70]
    lvls = map (roundTo 2) [start, start + step .. goal]

-- This is a bit speculative, but I'm assuming the value of a bitcoin is
-- 100,000 USD. Eventually I should change this to actually use the USD/BTC
-- exchange rate, but it changes so much that it would be hard to have a
-- concrete plan when dealing in BTC/sats. So I figure 100k is a good price
-- target for the next year or so.
usdBtcExchangeRate = 100_000
usdToBtc usd = usd / usdBtcExchangeRate
btcToUsd btc = btc * usdBtcExchangeRate
usdToSat usd = btcToSat $ usdToBtc usd

-- These are constants, should never change.
btcToSat btc = btc * 100_000_000
satToBtc sat = sat / 100_000_000

-- | A trivial decision is one that is 0.01% of the total, or 1 basis point.
-- From <https://ofdollarsanddata.com/climbing-the-wealth-ladder/>.
trivial :: Quantity
trivial = 0.0001

getTotal :: Journal -> Day -> ReportOpts -> String -> Quantity
getTotal j t o q = sum . map aquantity $ getTotalAmounts j t o q

getTotalAmounts :: Journal -> Day -> ReportOpts -> String -> [Amount]
getTotalAmounts j d opts q = Map.elems totals
    (_, (Mixed totals)) = balanceReport (ReportSpec opts d query []) j
    Right (query, _) = parseQuery d $ pack q

-- | These are the accounts that I consider a part of my savings and not my
-- cash-spending accounts.
savingsAccounts :: [String]
savingsAccounts =
  ["as:me:save", "as:me:vest"]

-- | Savings rate is a FIRE staple: (Income - Expenses) / Income * 100
savingsRate :: Journal -> Day -> ReportOpts -> Quantity
savingsRate j d opts = roundTo 2 $ 100 * (income - expenses) / income
    savings = getTotal j d opts query
    query = List.intercalate " " $ savingsAccounts
    income = - getTotal j d opts "^in"
    expenses = getTotal j d opts "^ex:me:want ^ex:..:need"

-- | The target fund is simply 25x your annual expenditure.
-- Assumptions: 4% withdrawal rate, 3-5% return on investments.
targetFund :: Journal -> Day -> ReportOpts -> Quantity
targetFund j d opts = 25 * yearlyExpenses
    yearlyExpenses = expenses / yearsSinceBeginning d
    expenses = sum $ map aquantity $ Map.elems total
    Right (query, _) = parseQuery d $ pack "^ex:me:want ^ex:..:need"
    (_, (Mixed total)) = balanceReport (ReportSpec opts d query []) j

-- | I have expense data going back to 2019.10. Use this for calculating
-- averages per month.
monthsSinceBeginning :: Day -> Quantity
monthsSinceBeginning d =
  diffUTCTime (UTCTime d 0) start
    & secondsToMonths
    & mkDecimal
    mkDecimal n = fromRational $ toRational n :: Decimal
    secondsToMonths s = s / 60 / 60 / 24 / 7 / 4
    start = UTCTime (fromGregorian 2019 10 1) 0

yearsSinceBeginning :: Day -> Quantity
yearsSinceBeginning d = monthsSinceBeginning d / 12

-- | How long until I can live off of my savings and investment returns?
-- Return integer is number of months until I'm free.
whenFreedom :: Journal -> Day -> ReportOpts -> Quantity
whenFreedom j d opts = roundTo 1 $ targetFund j d opts / monthlySavings j d opts

-- | This is the current value of my savings accounts, divided by the months
-- since starting. Because this takes the /current/ value of the accounts, the
-- capital gains are already priced in, so as long as my investments continue to
-- return at a similar rate, then this number is accurate.
monthlySavings :: Journal -> Day -> ReportOpts -> Quantity
monthlySavings j d opts =
    & map (getTotal j d opts)
    & sum
    & \n -> (n / monthsSinceBeginning d)

-- | How many months I could sustain myself with my cash and savings, given my
-- current expenses.
runway :: Journal -> Day -> ReportOpts -> (Quantity, Quantity, Quantity)
runway j d opts = (nut d total, cash, cash / nut d total)
    total = getTotal j d opts "^ex:..:need ^ex:me:want"
    cash = getTotal j d opts "^as:me:save ^as:me:cash ^li:me:cred"

-- | Ramen profitability. Like 'runway', except let's say I live on /only/ the
-- necessities, and don't spend my bitcoin. So cash flow in my checking account
-- is primary.
ramen :: Journal -> Day -> ReportOpts -> (Quantity, Quantity, Quantity)
ramen j d opts = (nut d total, cash, cash / nut d total)
    total = getTotal j d opts "^ex:..:need"
    cash = getTotal j d opts "^as:me:cash ^li:me:cred"

nut :: Day -> Quantity -> Quantity
nut d total = total / monthsSinceBeginning d