#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} -- | Calculates and displays an overview of my finances. module Main where import Data.Decimal (Decimal (..), DecimalRaw (..), divide, realFracToDecimal, roundTo, roundTo') import Data.Either (fromRight) import Data.Function ((&)) import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Text (Text, pack) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as IO import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, fromGregorian, toGregorian) import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (..), diffTimeToPicoseconds, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime) import Hledger import Rainbow today :: IO Day today = getCurrentTime >>= return . utctDay -- | For running stuff in ghci run :: (Journal -> Day -> a) -> IO a run f = do j <- defaultJournal t <- today return $ f j t main = do j <- defaultJournal t <- today let bal = getTotal j t $ defreportopts let balVal = getTotal j t $ defreportopts {value_ = inUsdNow} sec "cash balances" row "simple" (bal "^as:me:cash:simple status:! status:*") Nothing row "cashap" (bal "^as:me:cash:cashapp status:! status:*") Nothing row "wallet" (bal "^as:me:cash:wallet") Nothing row " disc" (bal "^li:me:cred:discover status:*") Nothing row " citi" (bal "^li:me:cred:citi status:*") Nothing let btcBal q = sum . map aquantity $ getTotalAmounts j t defreportopts q let btcBalUSD q = sum . map aquantity $ getTotalAmounts j t (defreportopts {value_ = inUsdNow}) q row " btc" (Target 4 $ btcBal "^as cur:BTC") $ Just $ display $ btcBalUSD "^as cur:BTC" sec "metrics" let netCash = bal "^as:me:cash ^li:me:cred cur:USD" let netWorth = balVal "^as ^li" let (year, month, _) = toGregorian t let expectedLevel = fromJust $ Map.lookup (roundTo 2 $ (fromIntegral year + fromIntegral month / 12) - (1992 + 7 / 12)) levelSchedule let expectedNetWorth = unlevel expectedLevel row " in - ex" (Limit 0 $ bal "^in ^ex" / monthsSinceBeginning t) $ Just "keep this negative to make progress" row "cred load" (Target 0 netCash) $ Just "net cash: credit spending minus USD cash assets. keep it positive" let monthlyNut = nut t $ balVal "^ex" let thisMonth = balVal "^ex date:thismonth" row "month exp" (Limit monthlyNut thisMonth) $ Just $ "avg: " <> (display $ Diff $ monthlyNut - thisMonth) row "net worth" (Target expectedNetWorth $ netWorth) $ Just $ "plan: " <> display expectedNetWorth row " level" (Target expectedLevel $ level netWorth) $ Just $ "plan: " <> display expectedLevel let levelup n = level netWorth & (+ n) & roundTo' floor 1 & unlevel & \target -> target - netWorth row " next" (levelup 0.1) $ Just $ display $ roundTo' floor 1 $ level netWorth + 0.1 row " nnext" (levelup 0.2) $ Just $ display $ roundTo' floor 1 $ level netWorth + 0.2 row " nnnext" (levelup 0.3) $ Just $ display $ roundTo' floor 1 $ level netWorth + 0.3 sec "trivials" let trivialWorth = roundTo 2 $ trivial * netWorth let trivialCash = roundTo 2 $ trivial * netCash row " net" (pr trivialWorth) Nothing row " cash" (pr trivialCash) Nothing sec "fire" let (thisyear, _, _) = toGregorian t let age = (fromInteger thisyear) - 1992 let n = whenFreedom j t let ageFree = roundTo 1 $ (n / 12) + age :: Decimal row "savings rate" (Percent_ $ savingsRate j t) Nothing row " target fund" (targetFund j t) Nothing row " when free" (Months_ n) $ Just $ "I'll be " <> pr ageFree <> " years old" sec "runway" let (nut, cash, months) = runway j t row " nut" nut Nothing row " cash" cash Nothing row "months" (Target 24 months) Nothing sec "ramen" let (nut, cash, months) = ramen j t row " nut" nut Nothing row " cash" cash Nothing row "months" (Target 3 months) $ Just "want: 3 months" -- | data Metric = Target Quantity Quantity | Limit Quantity Quantity -- | Tag displayable things so I can change how things print, e.g. add a percent -- sign, or some coloring, etc. class Display a where display :: a -> Chunk instance Display Chunk where display c = c instance Display Metric where display (Target expected actual) = color $ display actual where color = if actual >= expected then fore green else fore red display (Limit expected actual) = color $ display actual where color = if actual <= expected then fore green else fore red -- | Tag numbers for different kinds of displays data Number = Months_ Quantity | Percent_ Quantity | Diff Quantity instance Display Number where display (Months_ q) = display q <> " months" display (Percent_ p) = display p <> "%" display (Diff n) | n > 0 = "+" <> display n | n < 0 = "-" <> display n | n == 0 = "==" instance Display Text where display t = chunk t -- | Pretty-print a number. From https://stackoverflow.com/a/61070523/1146898 instance Display Quantity where display d = chunk $ T.intercalate "." $ case T.splitOn "." $ T.pack $ show $ roundTo 2 d of x : xs -> (T.pack . reverse . go . reverse . T.unpack) x : xs xs -> xs where go (x : y : z : []) = x : y : z : [] go (x : y : z : ['-']) = x : y : z : ['-'] go (x : y : z : xs) = x : y : z : ',' : go xs go xs = xs sec :: String -> IO () sec label = putStrLn $ "\n" <> label <> ":" pr :: Show s => s -> Chunk pr = chunk . pack . show row :: (Display a) => Chunk -> a -> Maybe Chunk -> IO () row label value note = putChunkLn $ gap <> label <> ":" <> gap <> display value <> rest where rest = case note of Nothing -> "" Just a -> gap <> "\t(" <> a <> ")" gap :: Chunk gap = " " -- | There's levels to life, a proxy metric for what level you're at is your net -- worth rounded down to the nearest power of 10. level :: Decimal -> Decimal level = realFracToDecimal 2 . logBase 10 . realToFrac -- | Given a level, return the net worth required to achieve that level. unlevel :: Decimal -> Decimal unlevel = realFracToDecimal 2 . (10 **) . realToFrac -- Shows the steps between levels steps start = zip (map realToFrac lvls) (zipWith (-) (ls ++ [0]) (0 : ls)) where lvls = [start, start + 0.01 .. 8.0] ls = map (realToFrac . unlevel) lvls levelSchedule = Map.fromList $ zip ages lvls where ages = map (roundTo 2) [20, 20 + 1 / 12 .. 70] lvls = map (roundTo 2) [5.00, 5.005 .. 8.0] -- | A trivial decision is one that is between 0.01% of the total. -- -- From trivial :: Quantity trivial = 0.0001 inUsdNow :: Maybe ValuationType inUsdNow = Just $ AtNow $ Just "USD" inSatNow :: Maybe ValuationType inSatNow = Just . AtNow $ Just "SAT" getTotal :: Journal -> Day -> ReportOpts -> String -> Quantity getTotal j t o q = last . map aquantity $ getTotalAmounts j t o q getTotalAmounts :: Journal -> Day -> ReportOpts -> String -> [Amount] getTotalAmounts j d opts q = totals where opts' = opts {today_ = Just d} (_, (Mixed totals)) = balanceReport opts' query j Right (query, _) = parseQuery d $ pack q -- | These are the accounts that I consider a part of my savings and not my -- cash-spending accounts. savingsAccounts :: [String] savingsAccounts = ["as:me:save", "as:me:vest"] -- | Savings rate is a FIRE staple: (Income - Expenses) / Income * 100 savingsRate :: Journal -> Day -> Quantity savingsRate j d = roundTo 2 $ 100 * (income - expenses) / income where -- I used to do just savings/income, but this is wrong because it also -- includes capital gains, which are not technically part of the savings rate. --roundTo 2 $ savings / income opts = defreportopts {value_ = inUsdNow} savings = getTotal j d opts query query = List.intercalate " " $ savingsAccounts -- gotta flip the sign because income is negative income = - getTotal j d opts "^in" expenses = getTotal j d opts "^ex" -- | The target fund is simply 25x your annual expenditure. -- -- This is going to be incomplete until I have a full year of -- expenses.. currently, I just use my most recent quarter times 4 as a proxy -- for the yearly expenses. -- -- Assumptions: 4% withdrawal rate, 3-5% return on investments. targetFund :: Journal -> Day -> Quantity targetFund j d = 25 * yearlyExpenses where yearlyExpenses = expenses / yearsSinceBeginning d expenses = sum $ map aquantity $ total Right (query, _) = parseQuery d $ pack "^ex" (_, (Mixed total)) = balanceReport opts query j opts = defreportopts { value_ = inUsdNow, today_ = Just d } -- | I have expense data going back to 2019.10. Use this for calculating -- averages per month. monthsSinceBeginning :: Day -> Quantity monthsSinceBeginning d = diffUTCTime (UTCTime d 0) start & secondsToMonths & mkDecimal where mkDecimal n = fromRational $ toRational n :: Decimal secondsToMonths s = s / 60 / 60 / 24 / 7 / 4 start = UTCTime (fromGregorian 2019 10 1) 0 yearsSinceBeginning :: Day -> Quantity yearsSinceBeginning d = monthsSinceBeginning d / 12 -- | How long until I can live off of my savings and investment returns? -- -- Return integer is number of months until I'm free. whenFreedom :: Journal -> Day -> Quantity whenFreedom j d = roundTo 1 $ targetFund j d / monthlySavings j d monthlySavings :: Journal -> Day -> Quantity monthlySavings j d = savingsAccounts & map (getTotal j d (defreportopts {value_ = inUsdNow})) & sum & \n -> (n / monthsSinceBeginning d) -- | How many months I could sustain myself with my cash and savings, given my -- current expenses. runway :: Journal -> Day -> (Quantity, Quantity, Quantity) runway j d = (nut d total, cash, cash / nut d total) where opts = defreportopts {value_ = inUsdNow} total = getTotal j d opts "^ex:me" cash = getTotal j d opts "^as:me:save ^as:me:cash ^li:me:cred" -- | Ramen profitability. Like 'runway', except let's say I live on /only/ the -- necessities, and don't spend my bitcoin. So cash flow in my checking account -- is primary. ramen :: Journal -> Day -> (Quantity, Quantity, Quantity) ramen j d = (nut d total, cash, cash / nut d total) where opts = defreportopts {value_ = inUsdNow} total = getTotal j d opts "^ex:me:need" cash = getTotal j d opts "^as:me:cash ^li:me:cred" nut :: Day -> Quantity -> Quantity nut d total = total / monthsSinceBeginning d -- | Escape velocity: -- -- In physics it is basically the movement of an object away from the earth, -- calculated as: -- -- v = sqrt(2 * G * M / r) -- -- where: -- -- - G :: gravitational constant (inflation rate) -- - M :: mass to be escaped from (liabilities) -- - r :: distance from center of M (current net worth) -- -- So, to translate that into my finances would be something like: -- -- v = sqrt(2 * .03 * li / net_worth) -- v = sqrt(2 * .03 * 20,000 / 100,000) -- -- v = 0.1095 -- -- I don't know what this means... maybe my money must be growing at an 11% rate -- in order to cover the debt? I need to think about this equation some more. -- -- Basically, escape velocity will be when my assets are growing faster than my -- debts. In order to know this, I need: -- -- 1. the accrual of every liability -- 2. the return on every investment i make -- 3. accrual rate must be less than return rate -- 4. my income must always be more than my expenses -- -- Once I have all four conditions satisfied, then my finances will be in -- correct order. The challenge then is to have a system that continually -- satisfies the 4 conditions. escapeVelocity :: Journal -> Quantity escapeVelocity = undefined