To develop, run: nix-shell For API setup instructions: twitter-bot --instructions To install and deploy: nix-build . nix-env -i ./result Now you can copy the systemd unit file to `~/.config/systemd/user/` and enable: systemctl --user enable twitter-bot.service twitter-bot.timer Example systemd unit file: [Unit] Description=Zulip Twitter Bot [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/home/ben/.nix-profile/bin/twitter-bot --dry-run --stream investing --twitter-name michaeljburry ExecStart=/home/ben/.nix-profile/bin/twitter-bot --dry-run --stream bitcoin --twitter-name 100trillionUSD [Install] Example timer unit, running every 5 minutes: [Unit] Description=Run zulip bot [Timer] OnCalendar=*-*-* *:0/5 [Install]