#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Twitter integration for Zulip import argparse import os import sys from configparser import ConfigParser, NoOptionError, NoSectionError import zulip try: import twitter except ImportError: parser.error("Please install python-twitter") VERSION = "0.9" CONFIGFILE = os.path.expanduser("~/.zulip_twitterrc") INSTRUCTIONS = r""" twitter-bot --config-file=~/.zuliprc --search="@nprnews,quantum physics" Send Twitter tweets to a Zulip stream. Depends on: https://github.com/bear/python-twitter version 3.1 To use this script: 0. Use `pip install python-twitter` to install `python-twitter` 1. Set up Twitter authentication, as described below 2. Set up a Zulip bot user and download its `.zuliprc` config file to e.g. `~/.zuliprc` 3. Subscribe the bot to the stream that will receive Twitter updates (default stream: twitter) 4. Test the script by running it manually, like this: twitter-bot --config-file= --search="" or twitter-bot --config-file= --twitter-name="" - optional - Exclude any terms or users by using the flags `--exluded-terms` or `--excluded-users`: twitter-bot --config-file= --search="" --excluded-users="test-username,other-username" or twitter-bot --config-file= --twitter-name="" --excluded-terms="test-term,other-term" 5. Configure a crontab entry for this script. A sample crontab entry that will process tweets every 5 minutes is: */5 * * * * /usr/local/share/zulip/integrations/twitter/twitter-bot [options] == Setting up Twitter authentications == Run this on a personal or trusted machine, because your API key is visible to local users through the command line or config file. This bot uses OAuth to authenticate with Twitter. Please create a ~/.zulip_twitterrc with the following contents: [twitter] consumer_key = consumer_secret = access_token_key = access_token_secret = In order to obtain a consumer key & secret, you must register a new application under your Twitter account: 1. Go to http://dev.twitter.com 2. Log in 3. In the menu under your username, click My Applications 4. Create a new application Make sure to go the application you created and click "create my access token" as well. Fill in the values displayed. """ def write_config(config: ConfigParser, configfile_path: str) -> None: with open(configfile_path, "w") as configfile: config.write(configfile) parser = zulip.add_default_arguments(argparse.ArgumentParser("Fetch tweets from Twitter.")) parser.add_argument( "--instructions", action="store_true", help="Show instructions for the twitter bot setup and exit", ) parser.add_argument( "--limit-tweets", default=15, type=int, help="Maximum number of tweets to send at once" ) parser.add_argument("--search", dest="search_terms", help="Terms to search on", action="store") parser.add_argument( "--stream", dest="stream", help="The stream to which to send tweets", default="twitter", action="store", ) parser.add_argument( "--twitter-name", dest="twitter_name", help='Twitter username to poll new tweets from"' ) parser.add_argument("--excluded-terms", dest="excluded_terms", help="Terms to exclude tweets on") parser.add_argument("--excluded-users", dest="excluded_users", help="Users to exclude tweets on") opts = parser.parse_args() if opts.instructions: print(INSTRUCTIONS) sys.exit() if all([opts.search_terms, opts.twitter_name]): parser.error("You must only specify either a search term or a username.") if opts.search_terms: client_type = "ZulipTwitterSearch/" CONFIGFILE_INTERNAL = os.path.expanduser("~/.zulip_twitterrc_fetchsearch") elif opts.twitter_name: client_type = "ZulipTwitter/" CONFIGFILE_INTERNAL = os.path.expanduser("~/.zulip_twitteruserrc_fetchuser") else: parser.error("You must either specify a search term or a username.") try: config = ConfigParser() config.read(CONFIGFILE) config_internal = ConfigParser() config_internal.read(CONFIGFILE_INTERNAL) consumer_key = config.get("twitter", "consumer_key") consumer_secret = config.get("twitter", "consumer_secret") access_token_key = config.get("twitter", "access_token_key") access_token_secret = config.get("twitter", "access_token_secret") except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError): parser.error("Please provide a ~/.zulip_twitterrc") if not all([consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token_key, access_token_secret]): parser.error("Please provide a ~/.zulip_twitterrc") try: since_id = config_internal.getint("twitter", "since_id") except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError): since_id = 0 try: previous_twitter_name = config_internal.get("twitter", "twitter_name") except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError): previous_twitter_name = "" try: previous_search_terms = config_internal.get("twitter", "search_terms") except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError): previous_search_terms = "" api = twitter.Api( consumer_key=consumer_key, consumer_secret=consumer_secret, access_token_key=access_token_key, access_token_secret=access_token_secret, ) user = api.VerifyCredentials() if not user.id: print( "Unable to log in to twitter with supplied credentials. Please double-check and try again" ) sys.exit(1) client = zulip.init_from_options(opts, client=client_type + VERSION) if opts.search_terms: search_query = " OR ".join(opts.search_terms.split(",")) if since_id == 0 or opts.search_terms != previous_search_terms: # No since id yet, fetch the latest and then start monitoring from next time # Or, a different user id is being asked for, so start from scratch # Either way, fetch last 5 tweets to start off statuses = api.GetSearch(search_query, count=5) else: # We have a saved last id, so insert all newer tweets into the zulip stream statuses = api.GetSearch(search_query, since_id=since_id) elif opts.twitter_name: if since_id == 0 or opts.twitter_name != previous_twitter_name: # Same strategy as for search_terms statuses = api.GetUserTimeline(screen_name=opts.twitter_name, count=5) else: statuses = api.GetUserTimeline(screen_name=opts.twitter_name, since_id=since_id) if opts.excluded_terms: excluded_terms = opts.excluded_terms.split(",") else: excluded_terms = [] if opts.excluded_users: excluded_users = opts.excluded_users.split(",") else: excluded_users = [] for status in statuses[::-1][: opts.limit_tweets]: # Check if the tweet is from an excluded user exclude = False for user in excluded_users: if user == status.user.screen_name: exclude = True break if exclude: continue # Continue with the loop for the next tweet # https://twitter.com/eatevilpenguins/status/309995853408530432 composed = f"{status.user.name} ({status.user.screen_name})" url = f"https://twitter.com/{status.user.screen_name}/status/{status.id}" # This contains all strings that could have caused the tweet to match our query. text_to_check = [status.text, status.user.screen_name] text_to_check.extend(url.expanded_url for url in status.urls) text_to_check = [text.lower() for text in text_to_check] # Check that the tweet doesn't contain any terms that # are supposed to be excluded for term in excluded_terms: if any(term.lower() in text for text in text_to_check): exclude = True # Tweet should be excluded break if exclude: continue # Continue with the loop for the next tweet if opts.search_terms: search_term_used = None for term in opts.search_terms.split(","): # Remove quotes from phrase: # "Zulip API" -> Zulip API if term.startswith('"') and term.endswith('"'): term = term[1:-1] if any(term.lower() in text for text in text_to_check): search_term_used = term break # For some reason (perhaps encodings or message tranformations we # didn't anticipate), we don't know what term was used, so use a # default. if not search_term_used: search_term_used = "mentions" subject = search_term_used elif opts.twitter_name: subject = composed message = {"type": "stream", "to": [opts.stream], "subject": subject, "content": url} ret = client.send_message(message) if ret["result"] == "error": # If sending failed (e.g. no such stream), abort and retry next time print("Error sending message to zulip: %s" % ret["msg"]) break else: since_id = status.id if "twitter" not in config_internal.sections(): config_internal.add_section("twitter") config_internal.set("twitter", "since_id", str(since_id)) config_internal.set("twitter", "search_terms", str(opts.search_terms)) config_internal.set("twitter", "twitter_name", str(opts.twitter_name)) write_config(config_internal, CONFIGFILE_INTERNAL)