path: root/Biz/Devalloc.hs
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2021-01-29 02:37:14 -0500
committerBen Sima <>2021-01-29 03:22:01 -0500
commitb289dee25ad8ce4c2622fadb2f4c31fb90914b39 (patch)
tree5511da780cdabbb98c8fbe01f03997d3263e7880 /Biz/Devalloc.hs
parent42c7614b6a4bd7504e9bf31e0882db58b85857bc (diff)
Lint 'return' into 'pure', replace bind operator
Diffstat (limited to 'Biz/Devalloc.hs')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/Biz/Devalloc.hs b/Biz/Devalloc.hs
index 245d94d..701e95a 100644
--- a/Biz/Devalloc.hs
+++ b/Biz/Devalloc.hs
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ import qualified Clay
import qualified Clay.Font
import qualified Clay.Render as Clay
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
+import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Crypto.JOSE.JWK (JWK)
import Data.Acid (makeAcidic)
import qualified Data.Acid as Acid
@@ -267,23 +268,23 @@ createUser u = do
{ users = IxSet.insert newUser (users keep),
nextUserId = succ <| nextUserId keep
- return newUser
+ pure newUser
updateUser :: User -> Acid.Update Keep User
updateUser u@User {..} = do
keep <- get
put <| keep {users = IxSet.updateIx userGitHubId u (users keep)}
- return u
+ pure u
getUserByEmail :: UserEmail -> Acid.Query Keep (Maybe User)
getUserByEmail email = do
Keep {..} <- ask
- return <| IxSet.getOne <| users @= email
+ pure <| IxSet.getOne <| users @= email
getUsers :: Acid.Query Keep [User]
getUsers = do
Keep {..} <- ask
- return <| IxSet.toList users
+ pure <| IxSet.toList users
createAnalysis :: Analysis -> Acid.Update Keep Analysis
createAnalysis a = do
@@ -294,27 +295,27 @@ createAnalysis a = do
{ analyses = IxSet.insert newAnalysis analyses,
nextAnalysisId = succ nextAnalysisId
- return newAnalysis
+ pure newAnalysis
getAnalysisById :: Id.Id Analysis -> Acid.Query Keep (Maybe Analysis)
getAnalysisById id = do
Keep {..} <- ask
- return <| IxSet.getOne <| analyses @= id
+ pure <| IxSet.getOne <| analyses @= id
getAllAnalyses :: Acid.Query Keep [Analysis]
getAllAnalyses = do
Keep {..} <- ask
- return <| IxSet.toList analyses
+ pure <| IxSet.toList analyses
getAnalysesByAsker :: User -> Acid.Query Keep [Analysis]
getAnalysesByAsker user = do
Keep {..} <- ask
- return <| IxSet.toList <| analyses @= userId user
+ pure <| IxSet.toList <| analyses @= userId user
getAnalysisByUrlAndCommit :: URL -> Commit -> Acid.Query Keep (Maybe Analysis)
getAnalysisByUrlAndCommit url sha = do
Keep {..} <- ask
- return <| IxSet.getOne <| analyses @= url &&& analyses @= sha
+ pure <| IxSet.getOne <| analyses @= url &&& analyses @= sha
$( makeAcidic
@@ -334,7 +335,7 @@ upsertGitHubUser :: Acid.AcidState Keep -> ByteString -> GitHub.User -> IO User
upsertGitHubUser keep tok ghUser = case GitHub.userEmail ghUser of
Nothing -> panic "No user email"
Just email ->
- Acid.query keep (GetUserByEmail <| UserEmail email) >>= \case
+ Acid.query keep (GetUserByEmail <| UserEmail email) +> \case
Just user ->
-- need to refresh the token
Acid.update keep <| UpdateUser user {userGitHubToken = Encoding.decodeUtf8 tok}
@@ -427,7 +428,7 @@ startup = do
Live -> liveCookieSettings
let ctx = cooks :. jwtCfg :. EmptyContext
let app = serveWithContext paths ctx (toServant <| htmlApp cooks kp cfg jwk oAuthArgs)
- return (cfg, app, kp)
+ pure (cfg, app, kp)
shutdown :: (Config, Application, Acid.AcidState Keep) -> IO ()
shutdown (_, _, kp) = Acid.closeAcidState kp
@@ -641,60 +642,65 @@ htmlApp cooks kp cfg jwk oAuthArgs =
user <-
GitHub.github (GitHub.OAuth token) GitHub.userInfoCurrentR
|> liftIO
- >>= \case
+ +> \case
Left err -> throwError err502 {errBody = show err}
Right ghUser -> liftIO <| upsertGitHubUser kp token ghUser
Auth.acceptLogin cooks (Auth.defaultJWTSettings jwk) user
|> liftIO
- >>= \case
+ +> \case
Nothing -> panic "login didn't work"
-- I think this should redirect to instead of rendering UserAccount
Just applyCookies ->
UserAccount user
|> HtmlApp
|> applyCookies
- |> return,
- getAccount = \u ->
- guardAuth u >>= UserAccount .> HtmlApp .> pure,
+ |> pure,
+ getAccount =
+ guardAuth >=> UserAccount .> HtmlApp .> pure,
postAccount = \a subscription ->
- guardAuth a >>= \user ->
- UpdateUser user {userSubscription = subscription}
- |> Acid.update' kp
- >>= UserAccount
- .> HtmlApp
- .> pure,
- selectRepo = \u ->
- guardAuth u >>= \user@User {..} ->
- GitHub.github
- (GitHub.OAuth <| Encoding.encodeUtf8 userGitHubToken)
- (GitHub.currentUserReposR GitHub.RepoPublicityAll GitHub.FetchAll)
- |> liftIO
- >>= \case
- Left err -> throwError err502 {errBody = show err}
- Right repos -> pure <. HtmlApp <| SelectRepo user repos,
- getAnalyses = \u ->
- guardAuth u >>= \user@User {..} -> do
- GetAnalysesByAsker user
- |> Acid.query' kp
- >>= Analyses user
- .> HtmlApp
- .> pure,
+ guardAuth a
+ +> \user ->
+ UpdateUser user {userSubscription = subscription}
+ |> Acid.update' kp
+ +> UserAccount
+ .> HtmlApp
+ .> pure,
+ selectRepo =
+ guardAuth
+ >=> \user@User {..} ->
+ GitHub.github
+ (GitHub.OAuth <| Encoding.encodeUtf8 userGitHubToken)
+ (GitHub.currentUserReposR GitHub.RepoPublicityAll GitHub.FetchAll)
+ |> liftIO
+ +> \case
+ Left err -> throwError err502 {errBody = show err}
+ Right repos -> pure <. HtmlApp <| SelectRepo user repos,
+ getAnalyses =
+ guardAuth
+ >=> \user@User {..} ->
+ GetAnalysesByAsker user
+ |> Acid.query' kp
+ +> Analyses user
+ .> HtmlApp
+ .> pure,
getAnalysis = \a analysisId ->
- guardAuth a >>= \user ->
- GetAnalysisById analysisId
- |> Acid.query' kp
- >>= \case
- Nothing -> throwError err404
- Just analysis -> pure <| HtmlApp <| AnalysisDisplay user analysis,
+ guardAuth a
+ +> \user ->
+ GetAnalysisById analysisId
+ |> Acid.query' kp
+ +> \case
+ Nothing -> throwError err404
+ Just analysis -> pure <| HtmlApp <| AnalysisDisplay user analysis,
githubAnalysis = \a owner repo ->
- guardAuth a >>= \user ->
- analyzeGitHub kp user cfg owner repo
- |> liftIO
- >>= AnalysisDisplay user
- .> HtmlApp
- .> pure,
+ guardAuth a
+ +> \user ->
+ analyzeGitHub kp user cfg owner repo
+ |> liftIO
+ +> AnalysisDisplay user
+ .> HtmlApp
+ .> pure,
css =
- return <. toStrict <. Clay.render <| do
+ pure <. toStrict <. Clay.render <| do
let yellow = "#ffe000"
let black = "#1d2d35" -- really a dark blue
@@ -909,7 +915,7 @@ data OAuthResponse = OAuthResponse
deriving (Generic, Aeson.FromJSON)
--- | POST to GitHub's oAuth service and return the user's oAuth token.
+-- | POST to GitHub's oAuth service and pure the user's oAuth token.
-- TODO: I can also get access scope etc from this response
getAccessToken ::
OAuthArgs ->
@@ -922,7 +928,7 @@ getAccessToken OAuthArgs {..} code =
Req.responseBody x
|> access_token
|> Encoding.encodeUtf8
- |> return
+ |> pure
accessTokenRequest :: Req.Req (Req.JsonResponse OAuthResponse)
accessTokenRequest =
@@ -1056,8 +1062,8 @@ instance Lucid.ToHtml Analysis where
analyze :: Acid.AcidState Keep -> Id.Id User -> [Text] -> URL -> FilePath -> IO Analysis
analyze keep askedBy activeAuthors url bareRepo = do
commit <- Sha </ Text.strip </ Text.pack </ git ["log", "-n1", "--format=%H"]
- Acid.query keep (GetAnalysisByUrlAndCommit url commit) >>= \case
- Just analysis -> return analysis
+ Acid.query keep (GetAnalysisByUrlAndCommit url commit) +> \case
+ Just analysis -> pure analysis
Nothing -> do
tree <-
@@ -1091,19 +1097,19 @@ analyze keep askedBy activeAuthors url bareRepo = do
let numBlackholes = realToFrac <| length blackholes
let numLiabilities = realToFrac <| length liabilities
let numTotal = realToFrac <| length tree
- Acid.update keep
- <| CreateAnalysis
- <| Analysis
- { analysisId = mempty,
- stale =
- [ (path, days)
- | (path, days) <- stalenessMap,
- days > 180
- ],
- score = calculateScore numTotal numBlackholes numLiabilities,
- totalFiles = toInteger <| length tree,
- ..
- }
+ Analysis
+ { analysisId = mempty,
+ stale =
+ [ (path, days)
+ | (path, days) <- stalenessMap,
+ days > 180
+ ],
+ score = calculateScore numTotal numBlackholes numLiabilities,
+ totalFiles = toInteger <| length tree,
+ ..
+ }
+ |> CreateAnalysis
+ |> Acid.update keep
third :: (a, b, c) -> c
third (_, _, a) = a
@@ -1156,14 +1162,14 @@ lastTouched bareRepo path = do
-- TODO: this fails if time is empty?
/> Time.parseTimeOrError True Time.defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"
let days = round <| Time.diffUTCTime now timestamp / Time.nominalDay
- return (path, days)
+ pure (path, days)
--- | Given a git dir and a path inside the git repo, return a list of tuples
+-- | Given a git dir and a path inside the git repo, pure a list of tuples
-- with number of commits and author.
authorsFor ::
FilePath ->
FilePath ->
- -- | Returns (number of commits, author name, author email)
+ -- | pures (number of commits, author name, author email)
IO [(Text, Text, Text)]
authorsFor gitDir path =
@@ -1207,7 +1213,7 @@ analyzeGitHub keep User {..} cfg o r = do
-- collaborators on a repo requires authentication for some reason.
-- If the owner is an organization, then we can just use org members, which is
- -- public too. And if the auth'ed user is a member of the org, then it returns
+ -- public too. And if the auth'ed user is a member of the org, then it pures
-- all of the members, not just public ones, so that will work just fine.
-- In the meantime, what do? Maybe get the number of commits, and consider
@@ -1237,12 +1243,12 @@ analyzeGitHub keep User {..} cfg o r = do
ghRepo = GitHub.mkName (Proxy :: Proxy GitHub.Repo) r
-- | Clone the repo to @<Config.depo>/<url>@. If repo already exists, just do a
--- @git fetch@. Returns the full path to the local repo.
+-- @git fetch@. pures the full path to the local repo.
fetchBareRepo :: Config -> Text -> IO FilePath
fetchBareRepo Config {depo} url =
Directory.doesPathExist worktree
- >>= fetchOrClone
- >> return worktree
+ +> fetchOrClone
+ >> pure worktree
fetchOrClone True =
Process.callProcess "git" ["--git-dir", worktree, "fetch", "origin"]