path: root/Hero/Look.hs
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2020-04-15 09:54:10 -0700
committerBen Sima <>2020-04-15 10:06:56 -0700
commitf4b8c0df041b063c0b47d2ec6c818a9c202fd833 (patch)
tree01ad246a83fda29c079847b3397ca6509a7f6106 /Hero/Look.hs
parent6ed475ca94209ce92e75f48764cb9d361029ea26 (diff)
Moving away from the DNS-driven namespacing toward more condensed names, mostly because I don't like typing so much.
Diffstat (limited to 'Hero/Look.hs')
1 files changed, 567 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Hero/Look.hs b/Hero/Look.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..109ea76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hero/Look.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+-- | Styles
+-- Eventually move make this mostly well-typed. Use this EDSL:
+module Hero.Look where
+import Clay
+import qualified Clay.Flexbox as Flexbox
+import qualified Clay.Media as Media
+import qualified Clay.Render as Clay
+import qualified Clay.Stylesheet as Stylesheet
+import Hero.Look.Typography as Typo
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L
+import Miso (Attribute, (=:), style_)
+import Miso.String (MisoString, toMisoString)
+import Protolude hiding ((**), (&), rem)
+main :: Css
+main = do
+ -- bulma adjustments
+ input ? marginRight (px 10) <> marginBottom (px 10)
+ -- base
+ ".fixed" ? position fixed
+ ".clickable" ? clickable
+ ".row" ? do
+ display flex
+ alignItems center
+ justifyContent spaceBetween
+ a <> a # hover <> a # visited ? do
+ color white
+ textDecoration none
+ ".loading" ? do
+ display flex
+ justifyContent center
+ alignItems center
+ height $ vh 100
+ width $ vw 100
+ -- animations
+ ".grow" ? do
+ transition "all" (sec 0.2) easeInOut (sec 0.2)
+ ":hover" & transform (scale 1.1 1.1)
+ ".blur-out" ? do
+ position absolute
+ animation
+ "blur"
+ (sec 1)
+ easeInOut
+ (sec 1)
+ (iterationCount 1)
+ normal
+ forwards
+ keyframes "blur" [ (0, Clay.filter $ blur (px 0))
+ , (50, Clay.filter $ blur (px 0))
+ , (100, Clay.filter $ blur (px 10))
+ ]
+ html <> body ? do
+ background nite
+ mobile $ do
+ overflowX hidden
+ width (vw 100)
+ -- general app wrapper stuf
+ ".app" ? do
+ display flex
+ justifyContent spaceBetween
+ alignItems stretch
+ flexDirection column
+ color white
+ "#hero-logo" ? zIndex (-1)
+ "#app-head" <> "#app-body" <> "#app-foot" ? flexGrow 1
+ "#app-head" <> "#app-foot" ? do
+ display flex
+ alignItems center
+ flexShrink 0
+ justifyContent spaceBetween
+ padding 0 (rem 2) 0 (rem 2)
+ width (pct 100)
+ height (px navbarHeight)
+ background nite
+ position fixed
+ zIndex 999
+ "#app-head" ? do
+ alignSelf flexStart
+ borderBottom solid (px 3) grai
+ wide
+ top (px 0)
+ mobile $ noBorder <> width (vw 100)
+ "#app-body" ? do
+ display flex
+ desktop $ width (vw 93)
+ alignContent center
+ alignItems flexStart
+ justifyContent flexStart
+ flexDirection column
+ flexShrink 0
+ padding (px 0) 0 0 0
+ marginY $ px 74
+ mobile $ flexDirection column
+ "#discover #app-body" ? do desktop $ marginLeft appmenuWidth
+ "#app-head-right" ? do
+ display flex
+ justifyContent spaceBetween
+ textTransform Clay.uppercase
+ thicc
+ alignItems center
+ width (px 200)
+ "#app-foot" ? do
+ alignSelf flexEnd
+ bottom (px 0)
+ mobile $ remove
+ "#app-foot-social" ? do
+ display flex
+ flexDirection column
+ alignSelf flexStart
+ ".social-icon" ? padding 0 (px 20) (px 10) 0
+ "#app-foot-logo" ? do
+ display flex
+ flexDirection column
+ alignItems flexEnd
+ "#app-foot-quote" ? do
+ textTransform Clay.uppercase
+ textAlign center
+ -- hide app-foot-quote when it gets crowded
+ query Clay.all [Media.maxDeviceWidth (px 800)] $
+ hide
+ -- login
+ "#login" ? do
+ -- TODO: next 3 lines can be DRYed up, methinks
+ display flex
+ justifyContent center
+ alignItems center
+ alignSelf center
+ height (vh 100)
+ "#login-inner" ? do
+ display flex
+ justifyContent center
+ alignItems center
+ flexDirection column
+ zIndex 1
+ height (vh 100)
+ width (px 400)
+ mobile $ width (vw 90)
+ "#login" ** ".help" ** a ? do
+ color white
+ display flex
+ alignItems center
+ flexDirection column
+ "#login" ** form <> "#login" ** hr ? do
+ width (pct 100)
+ "#login" ** hr ? border solid (px 1) grai
+ "#login" ** ".button" ? do
+ marginTop (px 10)
+ display inlineBlock
+ border solid (px 2) white
+ "#login" ** ".action" ? do
+ display flex
+ justifyContent spaceBetween
+ alignItems baseline
+ -- choose your experience
+ "#choose-experience" ** "#app-body" ? do
+ euro <> wide
+ flexCenter
+ width (pct 100)
+ desktop $ marginLeft appmenuWidth <> height (vh 90)
+ mobile $ marginX (rem 0) <> marginTop (rem 0) <> minHeight (vh 90)
+ h2 ? do
+ thicc <> wide <> smol <> lower <> coat 2
+ textAlign center
+ mobile $ coat 0.8
+ p ? do
+ thicc <> coat 0.8 <> textAlign center
+ maxWidth (px 900)
+ marginAll (rem 1)
+ mobile $ coat 0.6
+ ul ? do
+ display flex
+ flexDirection row
+ flexWrap Flexbox.wrap
+ justifyContent spaceAround
+ li ? do
+ width (px 111)
+ position relative
+ display flex
+ flexDirection column
+ textAlign center
+ mobile $ coat 0.6
+ coat 0.8 <> clickable
+ divv <? do
+ position relative
+ flexCenter
+ flexDirection column
+ span <? do
+ position absolute
+ width (pct 100)
+ smol <> thicc
+ -- comic player
+ ".comic-player" ? marginAll auto
+ ".comic-page" <> ".comic-page-full" ? do
+ width auto
+ marginAll auto
+ transform (scale 1 1)
+ ".comic-page" ? height (vh 90)
+ let ccb = ".comic-controls" ** button
+ ccb <> ccb # hover ? do
+ background nite
+ borderColor nite
+ color white
+ ".comic-controls-pages" ? do
+ justifyContent center
+ alignItems center
+ display flex
+ ".comic-video" |> iframe ? do
+ position absolute
+ height (pct 93)
+ width (pct 100)
+ "#close-button" ? do
+ euro <> wide
+ position fixed
+ cursor pointer
+ let z = rem 1.8
+ fontSize z
+ lineHeight z
+ let m = 24 :: Double
+ top $ px $ navbarHeight + m
+ left $ px $ m
+ zIndex 999
+ -- zoom button and slider
+ "#zoom-button" ? do
+ position relative
+ let sliderY = 75
+ let sliderYY = 250
+ euro <> wide
+ input ? do
+ transform $ Clay.rotate (deg (-90))
+ margin 0 0 (px sliderYY) 0
+ position absolute
+ height $ px sliderY
+ width $ px 200
+ hide
+ label ? do
+ coat 0.9
+ marginBottom $ px $ 2*sliderYY
+ position absolute
+ hide
+ ":hover" & ".ctrl" ? visibility visible
+ -- discover
+ "#discover" ? do
+ alignItems flexStart
+ flexDirection column
+ ".media-info" ? do
+ padding (rem 2) 0 (rem 2) (rem 2)
+ margin (rem 2) 0 (rem 2) (rem 2)
+ borderTop solid (px 1) white
+ borderBottom solid (px 1) white
+ flexDirection row
+ display flex
+ alignItems center
+ justifyContent spaceBetween
+ mobile $ do
+ margin (rem 2) 0 (rem 2) 0
+ padding 0 0 0 (rem 0)
+ noBorder
+ width (vw 100)
+ flexDirection column
+ ".media-info-meta" ? do
+ Flexbox.flex 2 1 (px 0)
+ display flex
+ flexDirection row
+ divv # lastChild <? paddingLeft (rem 1)
+ mobile $ do
+ width (vw 90) -- this line can be commented if you want to center the meta
+ img ? width (px 150)
+ order (-1)
+ Flexbox.flex 1 1 (auto)
+ ".media-info-summary" ? do
+ Flexbox.flex 2 1 (px 0)
+ paddingRight (rem 3)
+ mobile $ do
+ marginAll (rem 1)
+ padding 0 0 0 (rem 0)
+ ".media-info-actions" ? do
+ Flexbox.flex 1 1 (px 132)
+ maxWidth (px 132)
+ display flex
+ flexDirection column
+ justifyContent spaceAround
+ mobile $ do
+ maxWidth (vw 100)
+ flexDirection row
+ order (1)
+ flexBasis auto -- initial
+ height (px 50)
+ -- appmenu
+ "#appmenu" ? do
+ euro <> wide
+ fontVariant smallCaps
+ position fixed
+ height (pct 100)
+ display flex
+ justifyContent center
+ zIndex 99
+ alignContent center
+ alignItems center
+ flexDirection column
+ minWidth appmenuWidth
+ a ? do
+ display flex
+ flexDirection column
+ color white
+ background nite
+ borderColor nite
+ a |> img ? do
+ width (px 22)
+ height (px 22)
+ desktop $ a |> span ? remove
+ mobile $ do
+ order 2
+ flexDirection row
+ position fixed
+ bottom (px 0)
+ width (vw 100)
+ height (px 74)
+ background nite
+ justifyContent center
+ alignItems center
+ a |> span ? fontSize (rem 0.5)
+ button ? margin (rem 0.5) 0 (rem 0.5) 0
+ -- feature
+ "#featured-comic" ? do
+ display flex
+ flexDirection column
+ justifyContent center
+ Typo.euro
+ height (px 411)
+ mobile $ do
+ padding (px 0) 0 0 0
+ margin 0 0 (px 50) 0
+ after & do
+ display block
+ position relative
+ background $ linearGradient (straight sideTop)
+ [ (setA 0 nite, (pct 0))
+ , (nite, (pct 100)) ]
+ let h = 149
+ marginTop (px (-h))
+ -- without +1, the gradient is offset by 1 px in chrome
+ height (px (h+1))
+ content blank
+ ".hero-original" ? do
+ textTransform Clay.uppercase
+ fontSize (rem 1.2)
+ ".description" ? do
+ width (px 400)
+ mobile $ remove
+ "#featured-banner" ? do
+ position relative
+ minHeight (px 411)
+ minWidth (px 1214)
+ mobile $ marginLeft (px (-310))
+ "#featured-content" ? do
+ position absolute
+ width (pct 100)
+ zIndex 9
+ top (px 200) -- b/c Firefox & WebKit autocalc "top" differently
+ mobile $ do
+ marginTop (px 200)
+ alignItems center
+ display flex
+ flexDirection column
+ padding (rem 0.5) (rem 0.5) (rem 0.5) (rem 0.5)
+ width (vw 100)
+ -- buttons
+ "a.wrs-button" ? do -- the "watch/read/save" button
+ flexCenter
+ height (px 36)
+ width (px 132)
+ border solid (px 2) white
+ rounded
+ color white
+ margin 0 (px 15) (rem 1) 0
+ fontSize (rem 0.8)
+ fontVariant smallCaps
+ euro <> thicc <> wide
+ mobile $ do
+ height (px 26)
+ width (px 100)
+ margin 0 (px 5) 0 (px 5)
+ fontSize (rem 0.6)
+ let alive = backgroundColor hero <> borderColor hero <> color white
+ ":hover" & alive
+ ".saved" & alive
+ img ? do
+ marginRight (px 7)
+ height (px 15)
+ mobile $ height (px 10)
+ --
+ ".comic-action-menu" ? display flex <> justifyContent (JustifyContentValue "left")
+ -- shelving
+ ".shelf" ? do
+ display flex
+ flexDirection column
+ justifyContent flexStart
+ alignItems flexStart
+ mobile $ do
+ padding (rem 0.5) (rem 0.5) (rem 0.5) (rem 0.5)
+ width (vw 100)
+ ".comic" ? do
+ display flex
+ flexDirection column
+ justifyContent center
+ textAlign center
+ euro
+ maxWidth (px 110)
+ img ? do
+ marginBottom (rem 0.5)
+ minHeight (px 170)
+ minWidth (px 110)
+ ".shelf-head" ? do
+ width (pct 100)
+ margin (rem 1.5) 0 (rem 1.5) 0
+ borderBottom solid (px 1) white
+ padding (rem 0.5) 0 0.5 0
+ euro <> thicc
+ ".shelf-body" ? do
+ display flex
+ flexDirection row
+ justifyContent spaceBetween
+ width (vw 93)
+ alignItems baseline
+ li ? padding 0 (rem 0.5) 0 (rem 0.5)
+ overflowY visible
+ star ? overflowY visible
+ overflowX scroll
+ flexWrap Flexbox.nowrap
+ li <? do
+ margin 0 (rem 1) (rem 1) 0
+ Flexbox.flex 0 0 auto
+navbarHeight :: Double
+navbarHeight = 74
+-- utilities
+hide :: Css
+hide = visibility hidden
+remove :: Css
+remove = display none
+noBorder :: Css
+noBorder = border none 0 transparent
+mobile :: Css -> Css
+mobile = query Clay.all [Media.maxDeviceWidth (px 500)]
+desktop :: Css -> Css
+desktop = query Clay.all [Media.minDeviceWidth (px 500)]
+rounded :: Css
+rounded = borderRadius (px 30) (px 30) (px 30) (px 30)
+appmenuWidth :: Size LengthUnit
+appmenuWidth = (px 67)
+flexCenter :: Css
+flexCenter = do
+ display flex
+ justifyContent center
+ justifyItems center
+ alignContent center
+ alignItems center
+blank :: Content
+blank = stringContent ""
+divv :: Clay.Selector
+divv = Clay.div
+marginAll :: Size a -> Css
+marginAll x = margin x x x x
+marginX :: Size a -> Css
+marginX n = marginLeft n <> marginRight n
+marginY :: Size a -> Css
+marginY n = marginTop n <> marginBottom n
+clickable :: Css
+clickable = cursor pointer
+-- heroic colors ---------------------------------------------------------------
+hero :: Color
+hero = rgb 241 32 32 -- #f12020
+nite :: Color
+nite = rgb 10 10 10 -- #0a0a0a
+grai :: Color
+grai = rgb 221 221 221 -- #dddddd
+-- runtime (client) style stuff ------------------------------------------------
+-- | Put 'Clay.Css' into a Miso-compatible style property.
+-- Allows us to use any amount of CSS written with Clay inlined in HTML or
+-- dynamically as JavaScript object properties. The implementation is a bit
+-- hacky, but works.
+css :: Clay.Css -> Attribute action
+css = Miso.style_ . Map.fromList . f . Clay.renderWith Clay.htmlInline []
+ where
+ f :: L.Text -> [(MisoString, MisoString)]
+ f t = L.splitOn ";" t
+ <&> L.splitOn ":"
+ <&> \(x:y) -> (toMisoString x, toMisoString $ L.intercalate ":" y)
+inlineCss :: Css -> MisoString
+inlineCss = toMisoString . render
+type Style = Map MisoString MisoString
+red :: MisoString
+red = "#f12020"
+bold :: Style
+bold = "font-weight" =: "bold"
+condensed :: Style
+condensed = "font-stretch" =: "condensed"
+expanded :: Style
+expanded = "font-stretch" =: "expanded"
+uppercase :: Style
+uppercase = "text-transform" =: "uppercase"
+-- upstream this to Clay
+newtype JustifyItemsValue = JustifyItemsValue Value
+ deriving (Val, Other, Inherit, Center, FlexEnd
+ , FlexStart, SpaceAround, SpaceBetween)
+justifyItems :: JustifyItemsValue -> Css
+justifyItems = Stylesheet.key "justify-items"