path: root/Que/Site.hs
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2020-12-04 11:16:25 -0500
committerBen Sima <>2020-12-05 07:55:13 -0500
commit330e4363d8abb509031d2c8c1a89dcc6f955e2c1 (patch)
tree915c8c50a7125bf6eb9e560f8d00a80592f41c77 /Que/Site.hs
parent32f53350a3a3d701e9a1474e670a8454342adc40 (diff)
Renamespace Devalloc and Que
Move them under the Biz root so that we know they are specific to Biz stuff. Biz is for proprietary stuff that we own. I also had to refactor the bild namespace parsing code because it couldn't handle a namespace with 3 parts. I really need to get that namespace library written and tested.
Diffstat (limited to 'Que/Site.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/Que/Site.hs b/Que/Site.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d2dbb8..0000000
--- a/Que/Site.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
--- | spawns a few processes that serve the website
--- : out que-website
--- : dep async
--- : dep config-ini
--- : dep process
--- : dep protolude
--- : dep req
-module Que.Site
- ( main,
- )
-import Alpha
-import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
-import qualified Data.Ini.Config as Config
-import qualified Data.Text as Text
-import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
-import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
-import Network.HTTP.Req
-import qualified System.Directory as Directory
-import System.Environment as Environment
-import qualified System.Exit as Exit
-import System.FilePath ((</>))
-import qualified System.Process as Process
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
- (src, ns) <- Environment.getArgs >>= \case
- [src] -> return (src, "_") -- default to _ ns which is special
- [src, ns] -> return (src, Text.pack ns)
- _ -> Exit.die "usage: que-website <srcdir> [namespace]"
- mKey <- getKey ns
- putText <| "serving " <> Text.pack src <> " at " <> ns
- run mKey ns
- <| Sources
- { index = src </> "",
- client = src </> "",
- quescripts = src </> "",
- style = src </> "Style.css",
- apidocs = src </> "",
- tutorial = src </> ""
- }
-getKey :: Namespace -> IO (Maybe Key)
-getKey ns = do
- home <- Directory.getHomeDirectory
- let file = home </> ".config" </> "que.conf"
- exists <- Directory.doesFileExist file
- unless exists <| panic <| "not found: " <> Text.pack file
- conf <- Text.readFile file
- print (home </> ".config" </> "que.conf")
- auth ns
- |> Config.parseIniFile conf
- |> either errorParsingConf identity
- |> return
-errorParsingConf :: error
-errorParsingConf = panic "could not parse ~/.config/que.conf"
-data Sources
- = Sources
- { index :: FilePath,
- quescripts :: FilePath,
- client :: FilePath,
- style :: FilePath,
- tutorial :: FilePath,
- apidocs :: FilePath
- }
-type Namespace = Text
-type Key = Text
-auth :: Namespace -> Config.IniParser (Maybe Key)
-auth "pub" = pure Nothing
-auth ns = Config.sectionMb ns <| Config.field "key"
-run :: Maybe Key -> Text -> Sources -> IO ()
-run key ns Sources {..} = Async.runConcurrently actions |> void
- where
- actions =
- traverse
- Async.Concurrently
- [ forever <| toHtml index >>= serve key ns "index",
- forever <| toHtml quescripts >>= serve key ns "quescripts",
- forever <| BS.readFile client >>= serve key ns "client",
- forever <| toHtml tutorial >>= serve key ns "tutorial",
- forever <| toHtml apidocs >>= serve key ns "apidocs"
- ]
- toHtml :: FilePath -> IO ByteString
- toHtml md =
- BS.pack
- </ Process.readProcess
- "pandoc"
- [ "--include-in-header",
- style,
- "-i",
- md,
- "--from",
- "markdown",
- "--to",
- "html"
- ]
- []
-serve :: Maybe Key -> Namespace -> Text -> ByteString -> IO ()
-serve Nothing "pub" path content = runReq defaultHttpConfig <| do
- _ <-
- req
- (http "" /: "pub" /: path)
- (ReqBodyBs content)
- ignoreResponse
- mempty
- liftIO <| return ()
-serve Nothing p _ _ = panic <| "no auth key provided for ns: " <> p
-serve (Just key) ns path content = runReq defaultHttpConfig <| do
- let options =
- header "Authorization" (encodeUtf8 key) <> responseTimeout maxBound
- _ <-
- req
- (http "" /: ns /: path)
- (ReqBodyBs content)
- ignoreResponse
- options
- liftIO <| return ()