path: root/Biz/Que/Site.hs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-11-26Automatically detect Haskell dependenciesBen Sima
This parses the files contents for imports, then uses ghc-pkg to lookup the package that provides the module. Now I can do that analysis in Haskell instead of nix, which is much easier to code with.
2021-02-05Add Log.mark and convert some putTexts into Log.infosBen Sima
2021-02-05Add 'tidy' to PlanBen Sima
This is supposed to be how to cleanup the database and any other local files. Should only be used before/after test, so maybe I can find a way to enforce this constraint somehow in the code.
2021-01-29Lint 'return' into 'pure', replace bind operatorBen Sima
2021-01-27Set subscription in user page, operator precedenceBen Sima
I'm still working on figuring out operator precedence with my custom operators. The normal precedences don't work well for writing code in a pipeline as I like, so I have to re-define the operators with my own fixity settings. This will take some fiddling to get right. The user subscription allows setting to "Free" only now. It's fine because I still need to do a design refresh on the pages I just made. One thing I noticed is that it's getting harder to make changes without breaking stuff, so I either need to make smaller incremental changes, or actually write some real tests. I'll probably write tests soon.
2021-01-22Property tests for calculateScoreBen Sima
2021-01-15Add bild --testBen Sima
This argument will run the tests for an output after building. It's active in 'ci' so running that will ensure tests are passing. This way testing a namespace and building a namespace are as close together as possible, so presumably it will be that much easier to write good tests.
2020-12-05Renamespace Devalloc and QueBen Sima
Move them under the Biz root so that we know they are specific to Biz stuff. Biz is for proprietary stuff that we own. I also had to refactor the bild namespace parsing code because it couldn't handle a namespace with 3 parts. I really need to get that namespace library written and tested.