{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- Developer allocation -- -- : out devalloc -- : dep clay -- dep cmark -- sys cmark -- : dep envy -- : dep github -- : dep lucid -- : dep protolude -- : dep req -- : dep servant -- : dep servant-lucid -- : dep servant-server -- : dep uuid -- : dep vector -- : dep warp module Biz.Devalloc ( main, test, ) where import Alpha hiding ((<.>)) import Biz.App (CSS (..), HtmlApp (..)) import qualified Biz.Look import qualified Clay import qualified Control.Exception as Exception import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.String as String import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Encoding import Data.Vector (Vector) import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import qualified GitHub import qualified Lucid import qualified Lucid.Base as Lucid import qualified Lucid.Servant as Lucid import Network.HTTP.Req ((/:), (=:)) import qualified Network.HTTP.Req as Req import qualified Network.Wai as Wai import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger (logStdout) import Servant import Servant.API.Generic (ToServantApi, genericApi, toServant, (:-)) import Servant.HTML.Lucid import Servant.Server.Generic (AsServer) import qualified System.Directory as Directory import qualified System.Envy as Envy import System.FilePath ((<.>), ()) import qualified System.Process as Process import qualified Web.FormUrlEncoded main :: IO () main = Exception.bracket startup shutdown run where startup = do cfg <- Envy.decodeWithDefaults Envy.defConfig oAuthArgs <- Envy.decodeWithDefaults Envy.defConfig putText "@" putText "devalloc" putText <| "port: " <> (show <| port cfg) putText <| "depo: " <> (Text.pack <| depo cfg) return (cfg, serve paths (toServant <| htmlApp cfg oAuthArgs)) shutdown :: (Config, Application) -> IO () shutdown _ = pure () run :: (Config, Wai.Application) -> IO () run (cfg, app) = Warp.run (port cfg) (logStdout app) test :: IO () test = test_analyzeGitHub >> pure () data Config = Config { port :: Warp.Port, -- | The repo depo! Depository of repositories! depo :: FilePath } deriving (Generic, Show) instance Envy.DefConfig Config where defConfig = Config { port = 8005, depo = "_/var/devalloc/depo" } instance Envy.FromEnv Config -- | These are arguments that a 3rd-party OAuth provider needs in order for us -- to authenticate a user. data OAuthArgs = OAuthArgs { githubClientSecret :: Text, githubClientId :: Text, githubState :: Text } deriving (Generic, Show) instance Envy.DefConfig OAuthArgs where defConfig = OAuthArgs { githubClientSecret = mempty, githubClientId = mempty, githubState = mempty } instance Envy.FromEnv OAuthArgs -- | Wraps pages in default HTML instance Lucid.ToHtml a => Lucid.ToHtml (HtmlApp a) where toHtmlRaw = Lucid.toHtml toHtml (HtmlApp x) = Lucid.doctypehtml_ <| do Lucid.head_ <| do Lucid.meta_ [Lucid.charset_ "utf-8"] jsRef "//unpkg.com/turbolinks@5.2.0/dist/turbolinks.js" cssRef "/css/main.css" Lucid.body_ (Lucid.toHtml x) where jsRef _href = Lucid.with (Lucid.script_ mempty) [ Lucid.makeAttribute "src" _href, Lucid.makeAttribute "async" mempty, Lucid.makeAttribute "defer" mempty ] cssRef _href = Lucid.with (Lucid.link_ mempty) [ Lucid.rel_ "stylesheet", Lucid.type_ "text/css", Lucid.href_ _href ] -- * paths and pages data Paths path = Paths { home :: path :- Get '[HTML] (HtmlApp Home), githubAuth :: path :- "auth" :> "github" :> "callback" :> QueryParam "code" Text :> Get '[HTML] (HtmlApp SelectRepo), githubAnalysis :: path :- "analysis" :> "github" :> Capture "user" Text :> Capture "repo" Text :> Get '[HTML] (HtmlApp Analysis), css :: path :- "css" :> "main.css" :> Get '[CSS] Text } deriving (Generic) paths :: Proxy (ToServantApi Paths) paths = genericApi (Proxy :: Proxy Paths) -- | Main HTML handlers for all paths. htmlApp :: Config -> OAuthArgs -> Paths AsServer htmlApp cfg oAuthArgs = Paths { home = page (Home oAuthArgs), githubAuth = auth oAuthArgs, githubAnalysis = (\user repo -> liftIO <| analyzeGitHub cfg user repo >>= pure . HtmlApp), css = look } where page = pure . HtmlApp look = return . toStrict . Clay.render <| do Biz.Look.fuckingStyle "body" Clay.? Biz.Look.fontStack newtype Home = Home OAuthArgs instance Lucid.ToHtml Home where toHtmlRaw = Lucid.toHtml toHtml (Home oAuthArgs) = Lucid.toHtml <| pitch oAuthArgs data OAuthResponse = OAuthResponse { access_token :: Text, scope :: Text, token_type :: Text } deriving (Generic, Aeson.FromJSON) auth :: OAuthArgs -> Maybe Text -> Handler (HtmlApp SelectRepo) auth _ Nothing = panic "no code from github api" auth OAuthArgs {..} (Just code) = liftIO <| getAccessToken >>= getRepos >>= \case Left err -> panic <| show err Right repos -> pure . HtmlApp <| SelectRepo repos where getRepos oAuthToken = GitHub.github (GitHub.OAuth <| Encoding.encodeUtf8 oAuthToken) (GitHub.currentUserReposR GitHub.RepoPublicityAll GitHub.FetchAll) getAccessToken = accessTokenRequest >>= Req.responseBody /> access_token /> return |> Req.runReq Req.defaultHttpConfig accessTokenRequest = Req.req Req.POST (Req.https "github.com" /: "login" /: "oauth" /: "access_token") Req.NoReqBody Req.jsonResponse <| "client_id" =: githubClientId <> "client_secret" =: githubClientSecret <> "code" =: code <> "state" =: githubState -- * analysis data Analysis = Analysis { bareRepo :: FilePath, -- | A path with no active contributors blackholes :: [Text], -- | A path with < 3 active contributors liabilities :: [Text], -- | Files that have not been touched in 6 months stale :: [Text], -- | Total score for the repo score :: Int } instance Lucid.ToHtml Analysis where toHtmlRaw = Lucid.toHtml toHtml = Lucid.toHtml . render where render :: Analysis -> Lucid.Html () render Analysis {..} = Lucid.div_ <| do Lucid.h1_ "Analysis Results" Lucid.h3_ "blackholes:" Lucid.ul_ <| do mapM_ (Lucid.li_ . Lucid.toHtml) blackholes -- | Takes a list of active authors and a path to a bare git repo and runs a -- regular analysis analyze :: [Text] -> FilePath -> IO Analysis analyze activeAuthors bareRepo = do tree <- Process.readProcess "git" [ "--git-dir", bareRepo, "ls-tree", "--full-tree", "--name-only", "-r", -- recurse into subtrees "HEAD" ] "" /> String.lines authors <- mapM (authorsFor bareRepo) tree :: IO [[(Text, Text, Text)]] let authorMap = zipWith ( \path authors_ -> (path, authors_) ) tree authors :: [(FilePath, [(Text, Text, Text)])] return Analysis { blackholes = [ Text.pack path | (path, authors_) <- authorMap, length (List.intersect (map third authors_) activeAuthors) < 1 ], liabilities = [], stale = [], -- actually a map of path->staleness score = 10, .. } third :: (a, b, c) -> c third (_, _, a) = a -- | Given a git dir and a path inside the git repo, return a list of tuples -- with number of commits and author. authorsFor :: FilePath -> FilePath -> -- | Returns (number of commits, author name, author email) IO [(Text, Text, Text)] authorsFor gitDir path = do -- git shortlog writes to stderr for some reason, so we can't just use -- Process.readProcess Process.readProcess "git" [ "--git-dir", gitDir, "shortlog", "--numbered", "--summary", "--email", "HEAD", "--", path ] "" /> Text.pack /> Text.lines /> map (Text.break (== '\t')) /> map ( \(commits, author) -> ( Text.strip commits, Text.strip <| Text.takeWhile (/= '<') author, Text.strip <| Text.dropAround (`elem` ['<', '>']) <| Text.dropWhile (/= '<') author ) ) -- | Clones a repo from GitHub and does the analysis. analyzeGitHub :: Config -> -- | GitHub owner Text -> -- | GitHub repo Text -> IO Analysis analyzeGitHub cfg o r = do -- I currently have no way of getting active users... getting a list of -- collaborators on a repo requires authentication for some reason. -- -- If the owner is an organization, then we can just use org members, which is -- public too. And if the auth'ed user is a member of the org, then it returns -- all of the members, not just public ones, so that will work just fine. -- -- In the meantime, what do? Maybe get the number of commits, and consider -- "active users" as the top 10% in terms of number of commits? Or ask for a -- list explicitly? If it is a personal repo, then I can assume that the owner -- is the only regular contributor, at least for now. -- -- Right activeUsers <- GitHub.github () (GitHub.collaboratorsOnR ghOwner ghRepo GitHub.FetchAll) Right user <- GitHub.github () ( GitHub.userInfoForR <| GitHub.mkName (Proxy :: Proxy GitHub.User) o ) -- assume the only active author is the owner, for now let activeAuthors = [require "user email" <| GitHub.userName user] Right repo <- GitHub.github () (GitHub.repositoryR ghOwner ghRepo) bareRepo <- gitBareClone cfg . GitHub.getUrl <| GitHub.repoHtmlUrl repo analyze activeAuthors bareRepo where ghOwner = GitHub.mkName (Proxy :: Proxy GitHub.Owner) o ghRepo = GitHub.mkName (Proxy :: Proxy GitHub.Repo) r test_analyzeGitHub :: IO Analysis test_analyzeGitHub = analyzeGitHub Envy.defConfig "bsima" "bin" -- | Clone the repo to @/@. Return the full path to the local -- repo. gitBareClone :: Config -> Text -> IO FilePath gitBareClone Config {depo} url = do worktreeExists <- Directory.doesPathExist worktree let args = if worktreeExists then ["--git-dir", worktree, "fetch", "origin"] else ["clone", "--bare", "--", Text.unpack url, worktree] Process.callProcess "git" args return worktree where removeScheme :: Text -> FilePath removeScheme u = Text.unpack <. Text.dropWhile (== '/') <. snd <| Text.breakOn "//" u worktree = depo removeScheme url <.> "git" -- * parts encodeParams :: [(Text, Text)] -> Text encodeParams = Encoding.decodeUtf8 . LBS.toStrict . Web.FormUrlEncoded.urlEncodeParams newtype SelectRepo = SelectRepo (Vector GitHub.Repo) instance Lucid.ToHtml SelectRepo where toHtmlRaw = Lucid.toHtml toHtml (SelectRepo repos) = Lucid.toHtml <| do Lucid.h1_ "Select a repo to analyze" selectRepo repos selectRepo :: Vector GitHub.Repo -> Lucid.Html () selectRepo = Lucid.ul_ . mapM_ render . Vector.toList where render :: GitHub.Repo -> Lucid.Html () render repo = Lucid.li_ . Lucid.a_ [ Lucid.linkHref_ "/" <| fieldLink githubAnalysis (GitHub.untagName <| GitHub.simpleOwnerLogin <| GitHub.repoOwner repo) (GitHub.untagName <| GitHub.repoName repo) ] . Lucid.toHtml . GitHub.untagName <| GitHub.repoName repo loginButton :: OAuthArgs -> Lucid.Html () loginButton OAuthArgs {..} = Lucid.a_ [ Lucid.href_ <| "https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?" <> encodeParams [ ("client_id", githubClientId), ("state", githubState) ] ] "Get Started with GitHub" pitch :: OAuthArgs -> Lucid.Html () pitch oAuthArgs = Lucid.div_ <| do Lucid.h1_ "Devalloc" Lucid.p_ "Devalloc analyzes your codebase trends, finds patterns \ \ in how your developers work, and protects against tech debt." Lucid.p_ "Just hook it up to your CI system - it will warn you when it finds a problem." loginButton oAuthArgs Lucid.h2_ "Identify blackholes in your codebase" Lucid.p_ "What if none of your active employees have touched some part of the codebase? \ \ This happens too often with legacy code, and then it turns into a huge source of tech debt. \ \ Devalloc finds these \"blackholes\" and warns you about them so you can be proactive in eliminating tech debt." loginButton oAuthArgs Lucid.h2_ "Protect against lost knowledge" Lucid.p_ "Not everyone can know every part of a codebase. By finding pieces of code that only 1 or 2 people have touched, devalloc identifes siloed knowledge. This allows you to protect against the risk of this knowledge leaving the company if an employee leaves." loginButton oAuthArgs Lucid.h2_ "Don't just measure code coverage - also know your dev coverage" Lucid.p_ "No matter how smart your employees are, if you are under- or over-utilizing your developers then you will never get optimal performance from your team." Lucid.ul_ <| do Lucid.li_ "Find developer hot spots in your code: which pieces of code get continually rewritten, taking up valuable dev time?" Lucid.li_ "Know how your devs work best: which ones have depth of knowledge, and which ones have breadth?" Lucid.p_ "(Paid only)" loginButton oAuthArgs Lucid.h2_ "See how your teams *actually* organize themselves with cluster analysis" Lucid.p_ "Does your team feel splintered or not cohesive? Which developers work best together? Devalloc analyzes the collaboration patterns between devs and helps you form optimal pairings and teams based on shared code and mindspace." Lucid.p_ "(Paid only)" loginButton oAuthArgs