{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} -- : out lint -- -- these are actually runtime deps, but bild doesn't (yet) distinguish between -- rundeps and sysdeps: -- -- : sys ormolu -- : sys hlint -- : sys black -- : sys ruff -- : sys deadnix -- : sys shellcheck -- : sys indent module Biz.Lint (main) where import Alpha import qualified Biz.Cli as Cli import qualified Biz.Log as Log import Biz.Namespace (Ext (..), Namespace (..)) import qualified Biz.Namespace as Namespace import Biz.Test ((@=?)) import qualified Biz.Test as Test import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8 import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.String as String import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified System.Directory as Directory import qualified System.Environment as Environment import qualified System.Exit as Exit import qualified System.Process as Process main :: IO () main = Cli.main <| Cli.Plan help move test pure move :: Cli.Arguments -> IO () move args = Environment.getEnv "BIZ_ROOT" +> \root -> case Cli.getAllArgs args (Cli.argument "file") of [] -> changedFiles +> traverse Directory.makeAbsolute /> map (Namespace.fromPath root) /> catMaybes /> Namespace.groupByExt +> run mode +> exit files -> files |> filter (not <. Namespace.isCab) |> traverse Directory.makeAbsolute +> filterM Directory.doesFileExist /> map (Namespace.fromPath root) /> catMaybes /> Namespace.groupByExt +> run mode +> exit where mode = args `Cli.has` Cli.longOption "fix" ?: (Fix, Check) test :: Test.Tree test = Test.group "Biz.Lint" [ Test.unit "haskell files return two Results" <| do results <- run Check <| Map.singleton Hs <| [Namespace ["Biz", "Lint"] Hs] length results @=? 2 ] help :: Cli.Docopt help = [Cli.docopt| all your lint are belong to us Usage: lint test lint [--fix] [...] lint -h, --help |] exit :: [Result] -> IO () exit results = Exit.exitWith <| (n > 0) ?: (Exit.ExitFailure n, Exit.ExitSuccess) where n = length <| filter bad results bad = \case (Warn _) -> False Done {status = Bad _} -> True _ -> False printResult :: Result -> IO Result printResult r = case r of Warn err -> Log.warn ["lint", err] >> Log.br >> pure r Done (Linter {..}) (Bad err) -> Log.fail ["lint", exe] >> Log.br >> (err /= "") ?| (putText <| Text.pack err) >> pure r Done (Linter {..}) Good -> Log.good ["lint", exe] >> Log.br >> pure r NoOp ext -> Log.info ["lint", "noop", show ext] >> pure r changedFiles :: IO [FilePath] changedFiles = git ["merge-base", "HEAD", "origin/master"] /> filter (/= '\n') +> (\mb -> git ["diff", "--name-only", "--diff-filter=d", mb]) /> String.lines where git args = Process.readProcess "git" args "" data Mode = -- | Just check the files and return an exit code. Check | -- | Fix the files in place, return 0 if successful, otherwise return 1. Fix data Linter = Linter { exe :: Text, -- | Arguments added when in the "check" mode checkArgs :: [Text], -- | Arguments added when in the "fix" mode fixArgs :: Maybe [Text], -- | An optional function to format the output of the linter as you want -- it, perhaps decoding json or something formatter :: Maybe (String -> String) } -- deriving (Show) ormolu :: Linter ormolu = Linter { exe = "ormolu", checkArgs = ["--mode", "check", "--no-cabal"], fixArgs = Just ["--mode", "inplace", "--no-cabal"], formatter = Nothing } hlint :: Linter hlint = Linter { exe = "hlint", checkArgs = [], -- needs apply-refact >, which needs ghc >9 -- fixArgs = Just ["--refactor", "--refactor-options=-i"] fixArgs = Nothing, formatter = Nothing } black :: Linter black = Linter { exe = "black", checkArgs = ["--check"], fixArgs = Just [], formatter = Nothing } ruff :: Linter ruff = Linter { exe = "ruff", checkArgs = ["check"], fixArgs = Just ["check", "--fix"], formatter = Nothing } data DeadnixOutput = DeadnixOutput { file :: FilePath, results :: [DeadnixResult] } deriving (Generic, Aeson.FromJSON) data DeadnixResult = DeadnixResult { column :: Int, endColumn :: Int, line :: Int, message :: String } deriving (Generic, Aeson.FromJSON) deadnix :: Linter deadnix = Linter { exe = "deadnix", checkArgs = "--fail" : commonArgs, fixArgs = Just <| "--edit" : commonArgs, formatter = Just decodeDeadnixOutput } where commonArgs = [ -- "--no-underscore", -- "--no-lambda-pattern-names", "--output-format", "json" ] decodeDeadnixOutput :: String -> String decodeDeadnixOutput deadnixJson = deadnixJson |> Char8.pack |> Aeson.decodeStrict |> \case Nothing -> panic "could not decode deadnix output" Just o -> formatDeadnixOutput o where formatDeadnixOutput DeadnixOutput {..} = joinWith "\n" <| map formatDeadnixResult results where formatDeadnixResult DeadnixResult {..} = file <> ":" <> show line <> ":" <> show column <> ": " <> message shellcheck :: Linter shellcheck = Linter { exe = "shellcheck", checkArgs = [], fixArgs = Nothing, formatter = Nothing } indent :: Linter indent = Linter { exe = "indent", checkArgs = [], fixArgs = Nothing, formatter = Nothing } data Status = Good | Bad String deriving (Show) data Result = Done {linter :: Linter, status :: Status} | Warn Text | NoOp Namespace.Ext run :: Mode -> Map Namespace.Ext [Namespace] -> IO [Result] run mode nsmap = nsmap |> Map.assocs |> traverse (runOne mode) /> concat runOne :: Mode -> (Ext, [Namespace]) -> IO [Result] runOne mode (ext, ns's) = results +> traverse printResult where results = -- i would run these with mapConcurrently, but the output gets mangled. to -- do it right i need a queue for the results. someday. sequence <| case ext of Namespace.Hs -> [ lint mode ormolu ns's, lint mode hlint ns's ] Namespace.Py -> [ lint mode black ns's, lint mode ruff ns's ] Namespace.Sh -> [lint mode shellcheck ns's] Namespace.Nix -> [lint mode deadnix ns's] Namespace.C -> [lint mode indent ns's] _ -> [pure <. Warn <| "no linter for " <> show ext] lint :: Mode -> Linter -> [Namespace] -> IO Result lint mode linter@Linter {..} ns's = Log.info ["lint", exe, (tshow <| length ns's) <> " files"] >> Process.readProcessWithExitCode (str exe) args "" /> \case (Exit.ExitSuccess, _, _) -> Done linter Good (Exit.ExitFailure _, msg, _) -> case formatter of Nothing -> Done linter <| Bad msg Just fmt -> Done linter <| Bad <| fmt msg where args = case (mode, fixArgs) of (Fix, Just args_) -> map str args_ ++ map Namespace.toPath ns's (Fix, Nothing) -> map Namespace.toPath ns's (Check, _) -> map str checkArgs ++ map Namespace.toPath ns's