{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Biz.Log ( Lvl (..), good, pass, info, warn, fail, -- Debugging mark, -- Operators (~&), (~?), -- | Low-level msg, br, ) where import Alpha hiding (pass) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Rainbow (chunk, fore, green, magenta, red, white, yellow) import qualified Rainbow import qualified System.Environment as Env import qualified System.IO as IO import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) data Lvl = Good | Pass | Info | Warn | Fail | Mark -- | Get the environment. This should probably return 'Biz.Devalloc.Area' -- instead of 'String'. area :: String area = Env.lookupEnv "AREA" /> maybe "Test" identity |> unsafePerformIO msg :: Lvl -> [Text] -> IO () msg lvl labels = case area of -- systemd doesn't render msgs produced by putChunk, so when live we don't -- use rainbow at all "Live" -> putStr txt _ -> Rainbow.hPutChunks IO.stderr [fore color <| clear <> chunk txt <> "\r"] where txt = Text.intercalate gap (label : labels) (color, label) = case lvl of Good -> (green, "good") Pass -> (green, "pass") Info -> (white, "info") Warn -> (yellow, "warn") Fail -> (red, "fail") Mark -> (magenta, "mark") clear = "\ESC[2K" gap :: Text gap = ": " br :: IO () br = Rainbow.hPutChunks stderr ["\n"] >> IO.hFlush stderr good, pass, info, warn, fail :: [Text] -> IO () good = msg Good pass = msg Pass info = msg Info warn = msg Warn fail = msg Fail -- | Like 'Debug.trace' but follows the patterns in this module mark :: Show a => Text -> a -> a mark label val = unsafePerformIO <| do msg Mark [label, tshow val] br pure val -- | Pipelined version of 'mark'. -- -- @ -- mark label val = val ~& label -- @ (~&) :: Show a => a -> Text -> a (~&) val label = mark label val -- | Conditional mark. (~?) :: Show a => a -> (a -> Bool) -> Text -> a (~?) val test label = if test val then mark label val else val