""" Improve the standard Python REPL. This module attempts to emulate the workflow of ghci or lisp repls. It uses importlib to load a namespace from the provided path, typechecks it with mypy, and provides some tools for improving repl-driven development. This module is called in Biz/Ide/repl.sh like so: python -i Biz/Repl.py NS PATH where NS is the dot-partitioned namespace of the main module, and PATH is the path to the same file. In the future this could be expanded to be a list of additional files to load. """ # : out python-improved-repl # : dep mypy import Biz.Log as Log import importlib import importlib.util import inspect import logging import mypy.api import os import pydoc import string import subprocess import sys import textwrap import types import typing def use(ns: str, path: str) -> None: """ Load or reload the module named 'ns' from 'path'. Like `use` in the Guile Scheme repl. """ logging.info("loading %s from %s", ns, path) spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(ns, path) if spec is None or spec.loader is None: msg = "spec could not be loaded for %s at %s" raise ValueError(msg, ns, path) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) # delete module and its imported names if its already loaded if ns in sys.modules: del sys.modules[ns] for name in module.__dict__: if name in globals(): del globals()[name] sys.modules[ns] = module spec.loader.exec_module(module) names = list(module.__dict__) globals().update({k: getattr(module, k) for k in names}) def typecheck(path: str) -> None: """Typecheck this namespace.""" # this envvar is undocumented, but it works # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/13815 os.environ["MYPY_FORCE_COLOR"] = "1" logging.info("typechecking %s", path) stdout, stderr, _ = mypy.api.run([path]) sys.stdout.write(stdout) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.write(stderr) sys.stderr.flush() def edit_file(ns: str, path: str, editor: str) -> None: """ Edit and reload the given namespace and path. It is assumed ns and path go together. If `editor` returns something other than 0, this function will not reload the ns. """ try: proc = subprocess.run([editor, path], check=False) except FileNotFoundError: logging.exception("editor '%s' not found", editor) if proc.returncode == 0: use(ns, path) typecheck(path) class CustomRepl: """Custom repl commands, heavily inspired by ghci.""" def __init__(self, ns: str, path: str, editor: str) -> None: """Create the custom repl for given ns and path.""" self.ns = ns self.path = path self.editor = editor self.default = sys.__excepthook__ self.isframe = inspect.isframe self.stack = inspect.stack self.stdout = sys.stdout self.whitespace = string.whitespace def setup(self) -> None: """ Load the NS, setup hooks and prompt. This basically does all the heavy lifting of customizing the Python repl. """ # load given namespace use(self.ns, self.path) typecheck(self.path) # setup hooks and prompt sys.excepthook = self.excepthook pydoc.pager = lambda text: pydoc.pipepager(text, "more") sys.ps1 = f"{self.ns}> " sys.ps2 = f"{self.ns}| " def show_help(self) -> None: """Print info about how to use this repl.""" sys.stdout.write( textwrap.dedent(f""" repl commands: :e open {self.ns} in {self.editor} :r reload {self.ns} :t obj show the type of obj obj? expands to 'help(obj)' :? show this help """), ) sys.stdout.flush() def excepthook( self, type_: type[BaseException], value: BaseException, traceback: types.TracebackType | None, ) -> typing.Any: """ Pre-process Python repl exceptions. This is called on `sys.excepthook`, which runs when the repl doesn't know how to handle some input. So, we inspect `value` and provide alternate functionality, bottoming out at the default exception. """ # ruff: noqa: PLR0911 if not isinstance(value, SyntaxError): return self.default(type_, value, traceback) if value.text is None: msg = "value.text is None: %s" raise ValueError(msg, value) stmt = value.text.rstrip() if stmt == ":?": self.repl_help() return None if stmt.endswith("?"): name = stmt.rstrip("?(" + self.whitespace) self.wut(name) return None if stmt == ":e": edit_file(self.ns, self.path, self.editor) return None if stmt == ":r": use(self.ns, self.path) typecheck(self.path) return None if stmt.startswith(":t"): var = stmt.split()[1] self.get_type(var) return None return self.default(type_, value, traceback) def get_type(self, name: str) -> typing.Any | None: """Return the type of `name` to the caller.""" for record in self.stack(): frame = record[0] if not self.isframe(frame): continue cmd = f"typing.reveal_type({name})" return eval(cmd, frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals) # noqa: S307 return None def wut(self, name: str) -> typing.Any | None: """Return the documentation for `name` to the caller.""" for record in self.stack(): frame = record[0] if not self.isframe(frame): continue cmd = f"help({name})" return eval(cmd, frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals) # noqa: S307 return None def reload(self) -> None: """Reload the current namespace.""" use(self.ns, self.path) typecheck(self.path) def edit(self) -> None: """Edit the current namespace.""" edit_file(self.ns, self.path, self.editor) def main() -> None: """Entrypoint.""" if sys.argv[1] == "test": pass else: Log.setup() ns = sys.argv[1] path = sys.argv[2] editor = os.environ.get("EDITOR", "$EDITOR") repl = CustomRepl(ns, path, editor) repl.setup() repl.show_help() if __name__ == "__main__": main()