{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Biz.Test ( Tree, run, group, unit, prop, with, assertFailure, (@=?), (@?=), (@?!=), ) where import Alpha hiding (group) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Test.Tasty as Tasty import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as HUnit import qualified Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QuickCheck import qualified Test.Tasty.Runners as Tasty type Tree = Tasty.TestTree run :: Tree -> IO () run tree = do Tasty.installSignalHandlers case Tasty.tryIngredients Tasty.defaultIngredients mempty tree of Nothing -> do hPutStrLn stderr <| Text.pack "no ingredients agreed to run" exitFailure Just act -> act +> \ok -> if ok then exitSuccess else exitFailure group :: Tasty.TestName -> [Tasty.TestTree] -> Tasty.TestTree group = Tasty.testGroup unit :: Tasty.TestName -> HUnit.Assertion -> Tasty.TestTree unit = HUnit.testCase prop :: QuickCheck.Testable a => Tasty.TestName -> a -> Tasty.TestTree prop = QuickCheck.testProperty assertFailure :: String -> HUnit.Assertion assertFailure = HUnit.assertFailure with :: -- | Startup IO a -> -- | Shutdown (a -> IO ()) -> -- | A test group where the first argument is a function that gets the resource (IO a -> Tree) -> Tree with = Tasty.withResource -- | How is this not part of HUnit?? assertNotEqual :: (Eq a, Show a, HasCallStack) => -- | The message prefix String -> -- | The not-expected value a -> -- | The actual value a -> HUnit.Assertion assertNotEqual preface notexpected actual = unless (actual /= notexpected) (HUnit.assertFailure msg) where msg = (if null preface then "" else preface ++ "\n") ++ "expected not: " ++ show notexpected ++ "\n but got: " ++ show actual (@?!=) :: (Eq a, Show a, HasCallStack) => -- | The not-expected value a -> -- | The actual value a -> HUnit.Assertion expected @?!= actual = assertNotEqual "" expected actual infixl 2 @?!= (@=?) :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> HUnit.Assertion a @=? b = a HUnit.@=? b infixl 2 @=? (@?=) :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> HUnit.Assertion a @?= b = a HUnit.@?= b infixr 2 @?=