_self: super: { python312 = super.python312.override { packageOverrides = pyself: pysuper: with pysuper.pkgs.python312Packages; let dontCheck = p: p.overridePythonAttrs (_: {doCheck = false;}); in { interegular = callPackage ./Deps/interegular.nix {}; ipython = dontCheck pysuper.ipython; llm = super.overrideSrc pysuper.llm super.sources.llm; llm-ollama = pysuper.pkgs.python312.pkgs.callPackage ./Deps/llm-ollama.nix { ollama = pyself.ollama; }; llm-sentence-transformers = callPackage ./Deps/llm-sentence-transformers.nix {}; ludic = callPackage ./Deps/ludic.nix {}; mypy = dontCheck pysuper.mypy; ollama = pysuper.ollama.overridePythonAttrs (old: rec { dependencies = old.dependencies ++ [pysuper.pydantic]; version = super.sources.ollama-python.version; src = super.sources.ollama-python; postPatch = '' substituteInPlace pyproject.toml \ --replace-fail "0.0.0" "${version}" ''; }); openai = callPackage ./Deps/openai-python.nix {}; outlines = callPackage ./Deps/outlines.nix {}; perscache = callPackage ./Deps/perscache.nix {}; tokenizers = dontCheck pysuper.tokenizers; }; }; python311 = super.python311.override { packageOverrides = _pyself: pysuper: with pysuper.pkgs.python311Packages; { llm-ollama = callPackage ./Deps/llm-ollama.nix {}; llm-sentence-transformers = callPackage ./Deps/llm-sentence-transformers.nix {}; }; }; }