{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} -- | Interprocess communication -- -- Prior art: -- - -- - -- - -- - sorta: and -- -- : exe que-server -- -- : dep async -- : dep envy -- : dep protolude -- : dep scotty -- : dep stm -- : dep unagi-chan -- : dep unordered-containers module Que.Server ( main, ) where import Alpha hiding (gets, modify, poll) import qualified Control.Concurrent.Go as Go import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM import qualified Control.Exception as Exception import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadTrans) import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra as Builder import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Encoding import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text.Lazy import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as Text.Lazy.IO import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as Http import qualified Network.Wai as Wai import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger ( logStdout, ) import qualified System.Envy as Envy import qualified Web.Scotty.Trans as Scotty import qualified Prelude {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: Prelude.String) #-} main :: IO () main = Exception.bracket startup shutdown <| uncurry Warp.run where startup = Envy.decodeWithDefaults Envy.defConfig >>= \c -> do sync <- STM.newTVarIO initialAppState let runActionToIO m = runReaderT (runApp m) sync waiapp <- Scotty.scottyAppT runActionToIO routes putText "*" putText "que-server" putText <| "port: " <> (show <| quePort c) return (quePort c, waiapp) shutdown :: a -> IO a shutdown = pure . identity newtype App a = App { runApp :: ReaderT (STM.TVar AppState) IO a } deriving ( Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader (STM.TVar AppState) ) newtype AppState = AppState { ques :: HashMap Namespace Quebase } initialAppState :: AppState initialAppState = AppState {ques = mempty} newtype Config = Config { -- | QUE_PORT quePort :: Warp.Port } deriving (Generic, Show) instance Envy.DefConfig Config where defConfig = Config 3000 instance Envy.FromEnv Config routes :: Scotty.ScottyT Text.Lazy.Text App () routes = do Scotty.middleware logStdout let quepath = "^\\/([[:alnum:]_-]+)\\/([[:alnum:]._/-]*)$" let namespace = "^\\/([[:alnum:]_-]+)\\/?$" -- matches '/ns' and '/ns/' but not '/ns/path' -- GET /index.html Scotty.get (Scotty.literal "/index.html") <| Scotty.redirect "/_/index" Scotty.get (Scotty.literal "/") <| Scotty.redirect "/_/index" -- GET /_/dash Scotty.get (Scotty.literal "/_/dash") <| do authkey <- fromMaybe "" > Scotty.text "not allowed: _ is a reserved namespace" >> Scotty.finish guardNs ns ["pub", "_"] -- passed all auth checks app . modify <| upsertNamespace ns q <- app <| que ns qp qdata <- Scotty.body _ <- liftIO <| Go.write q <| BSL.toStrict qdata return () -- | Given `guardNs ns whitelist`, if `ns` is not in the `whitelist` -- list, return a 405 error. guardNs :: Text.Lazy.Text -> [Text.Lazy.Text] -> Scotty.ActionT Text.Lazy.Text App () guardNs ns whitelist = when (not <| ns `elem` whitelist) <| do Scotty.status Http.methodNotAllowed405 Scotty.text <| "not allowed: use 'pub' namespace or signup to protect '" <> ns <> "' at https://que.run" Scotty.finish -- | recover from a scotty-thrown exception. (!:) :: -- | action that might throw Scotty.ActionT Text.Lazy.Text App a -> -- | a function providing a default response instead (Text.Lazy.Text -> Scotty.ActionT Text.Lazy.Text App a) -> Scotty.ActionT Text.Lazy.Text App a (!:) = Scotty.rescue -- | Forever write the data from 'Que' to 'Wai.StreamingBody'. streamQue :: Que -> Wai.StreamingBody streamQue q write _ = loop q where loop c = Go.read c >>= (write . Builder.byteStringInsert) >> loop c -- | Gets the thing from the Hashmap. Call's 'error' if key doesn't exist. grab :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> HashMap k v -> v grab = flip (HashMap.!) -- | Inserts the namespace in 'AppState' if it doesn't exist. upsertNamespace :: Namespace -> AppState -> AppState upsertNamespace ns as = if HashMap.member ns (ques as) then as else as {ques = HashMap.insert ns mempty (ques as)} -- | Inserts the que at the proper 'Namespace' and 'Quepath'. insertQue :: Namespace -> Quepath -> Que -> AppState -> AppState insertQue ns qp q as = as {ques = newQues} where newQues = HashMap.insert ns newQbase (ques as) newQbase = HashMap.insert qp q <| grab ns <| ques as extract :: Scotty.ActionT Text.Lazy.Text App (Namespace, Quepath) extract = do ns <- Scotty.param "1" path <- Scotty.param "2" return (ns, path) -- | A synonym for 'lift' in order to be explicit about when we are -- operating at the 'App' layer. app :: MonadTrans t => App a -> t App a app = lift -- | Get something from the app state gets :: (AppState -> b) -> App b gets f = ask >>= liftIO . STM.readTVarIO >>= return AppState) -> App () modify f = ask >>= liftIO . atomically . flip STM.modifyTVar' f -- | housing for a set of que paths type Namespace = Text.Lazy.Text -- | a que is just a channel of bytes type Que = Go.Channel Message -- | any path can serve as an identifier for a que type Quepath = Text -- | any opaque data type Message = ByteString -- | a collection of ques type Quebase = HashMap Quepath Que -- | Lookup or create a que que :: Namespace -> Quepath -> App Que que ns qp = do _ques <- gets ques let qbase = grab ns _ques queExists = HashMap.member qp qbase if queExists then return <| grab qp qbase else do c <- liftIO <| Go.chan 1 modify (insertQue ns qp c) gets ques /> grab ns /> grab qp