{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} -- | spawns a few processes that serve the que.run website module Run.Que.Website where import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.Text as Text import Network.HTTP.Req import Protolude import System.Environment as Environment import System.FilePath ( () ) import qualified System.Process as Process import qualified System.Exit as Exit main :: IO () main = do (src, ns) <- Environment.getArgs >>= \case [src] -> return (src, "/") [src, ns] -> return (src, ns) _ -> Exit.die "usage: que-website [namespace]" putStrLn $ "serving " ++ src ++ " at " ++ ns loop (Text.pack ns) $ Sources { index = src "index.md" , client = src "client.py" , quescripts = src "quescripts.md" , style = src "style.css" } data Sources = Sources { index :: FilePath , quescripts :: FilePath , client :: FilePath , style :: FilePath } loop :: Text -> Sources -> IO () loop ns pages@Sources {..} = do _ <- Async.runConcurrently $ (,,,) <$> Async.Concurrently (toHtml style index >>= serve (https "que.run" /: ns /: "index.html")) <*> Async.Concurrently ( BS.readFile client >>= serve (https "que.run" /: ns /: "_client" /: "python") ) <*> Async.Concurrently ( toHtml style quescripts >>= serve (https "que.run" /: ns /: "_page" /: "quescripts") ) loop ns pages toHtml :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ByteString toHtml style md = BS.pack <$> Process.readProcess "pandoc" [ "--self-contained" , "--css" , style , "-i" , md , "--from" , "markdown" , "--to" , "html" ] [] serve :: Url scheme -> ByteString -> IO () serve path content = runReq defaultHttpConfig $ do _ <- req POST path (ReqBodyBs content) ignoreResponse mempty liftIO $ return ()