path: root/hledger-overview.hs
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2021-02-15 21:05:00 -0500
committerBen Sima <>2021-02-15 21:05:00 -0500
commit1c796258b034653d3fa2a3fcf95d5acc738ee75d (patch)
tree0fca9d2284f78f13b93ec592b4e7c418e2293363 /hledger-overview.hs
parenta73984dea9fa352ce31e2a9373be2f85afa7c103 (diff)
hledger-overview: display Diff numbers
Diffstat (limited to 'hledger-overview.hs')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/hledger-overview.hs b/hledger-overview.hs
index 652e852..1edc00d 100755
--- a/hledger-overview.hs
+++ b/hledger-overview.hs
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ main = do
row "cred load" (Target 0 netCash) $ Just "net cash: credit spending minus USD cash assets. keep it positive"
let monthlyNut = nut t $ balVal "^ex"
let thisMonth = balVal "^ex date:thismonth"
- row "month exp" (Limit monthlyNut thisMonth) $ Just $ display $ monthlyNut - thisMonth
+ row "month exp" (Limit monthlyNut thisMonth) $ Just $ display $ Diff $ monthlyNut - thisMonth
row "net worth" netWorth Nothing
- row " level" (level netWorth) (Just $ "+" <> (display $ netWorth - (unlevel $ roundTo' floor 1 $ level netWorth)))
+ row " level" (level netWorth) (Just $ display $ Diff $ netWorth - (unlevel $ roundTo' floor 1 $ level netWorth))
let levelup n = level netWorth & (+ n) & roundTo' floor 1 & unlevel & \target -> target - netWorth
row " next" (levelup 0.1) (Just $ display $ roundTo' floor 1 $ level netWorth + 0.1)
row " nnext" (levelup 0.2) (Just $ display $ roundTo' floor 1 $ level netWorth + 0.2)
@@ -101,25 +101,35 @@ instance Display Chunk where
instance Display Metric where
display (Target expected actual) = color $ display actual
- where color = if actual >= expected then fore green else fore red
+ where
+ color = if actual >= expected then fore green else fore red
display (Limit expected actual) = color $ display actual
- where color = if actual <= expected then fore green else fore red
+ where
+ color = if actual <= expected then fore green else fore red
-- | Tag numbers for different kinds of displays
-data Number = Months_ Quantity | Percent_ Quantity
+data Number
+ = Months_ Quantity
+ | Percent_ Quantity
+ | Diff Quantity
instance Display Number where
display (Months_ q) = display q <> " months"
display (Percent_ p) = display p <> "%"
+ display (Diff n)
+ | n > 0 = "+" <> display n
+ | n < 0 = "-" <> display n
+ | n == 0 = "=="
instance Display Text where
display t = chunk t
-- | Pretty-print a number. From
instance Display Quantity where
- display d = chunk $ T.intercalate "." $ case T.splitOn "." $ T.pack $ show $ roundTo 2 d of
- x : xs -> (T.pack . reverse . go . reverse . T.unpack) x : xs
- xs -> xs
+ display d = chunk $
+ T.intercalate "." $ case T.splitOn "." $ T.pack $ show $ roundTo 2 d of
+ x : xs -> (T.pack . reverse . go . reverse . T.unpack) x : xs
+ xs -> xs
go (x : y : z : []) = x : y : z : []
go (x : y : z : ['-']) = x : y : z : ['-']