path: root/hledger-overview.hs
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authorBen Sima <>2020-12-09 20:02:48 -0500
committerBen Sima <>2020-12-09 20:02:48 -0500
commitb6f69063593258242e32b8c8262e608ce324718c (patch)
tree152391b0be08e667c85865dbde2c3f2b7348dafb /hledger-overview.hs
parenteff60844c7e589b81fe4c83901f35fee71aefdc6 (diff)
update hledger overview
Diffstat (limited to 'hledger-overview.hs')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/hledger-overview.hs b/hledger-overview.hs
index bdddff4..1ccff2b 100755
--- a/hledger-overview.hs
+++ b/hledger-overview.hs
@@ -24,17 +24,17 @@ main = do
j <- getJournal
today <- getCurrentTime >>= return . utctDay
let bal = getTotal j today $ defreportopts
- let balUSD = getTotal j today $ defreportopts {value_ = inUsd}
+ let balUSD = getTotal j today $ defreportopts {value_ = inUsdNow}
sec "cash balances"
row "simple" (prn $ bal "^as:me:cash:simple status:! status:*") Nothing
row "wallet" (prn $ bal "^as:me:cash:wallet") Nothing
row " disc" (prn $ bal "^li:me:cred:discover status:*") Nothing
row " citi" (prn $ bal "^li:me:cred:citi status:*") Nothing
- row " btc" (prn $ bal "^as cur:BTC") Nothing
+ row " btc" (prn $ bal "^as cur:BTC") (Just $ prn $ balUSD "^as cur:BTC")
sec "metrics"
- let netLiquid = roundTo 2 $ bal "^as:me:cash ^li:me:cred cur:USD"
- let netWorth = roundTo 2 $ balUSD "^as ^li"
+ let netLiquid = bal "^as:me:cash ^li:me:cred cur:USD"
+ let netWorth = balUSD "^as ^li"
row " in - ex" (prn $ bal "^in ^ex cur:USD") $ Just "keep this negative to make progress"
row "cred load" (prn netLiquid) $ Just "net liquid: credit spending minus cash assets. keep it positive"
row "net worth" (prn netWorth) Nothing
@@ -52,9 +52,16 @@ main = do
let n = whenFreedom j today
let ageFree = roundTo 1 $ (n / 12) + (age cfg)
row "savings rate" (pr $ savingsRate j today) Nothing
- row " target fund" (prn $ roundTo 2 $ targetFund j today) Nothing
+ row " target fund" (prn $ targetFund j today) Nothing
row " when free" ((pr n) <> " months") $ Just $ "I'll be " <> pr ageFree <> " years old"
+ sec "runway"
+--let (nut, cash, months) = runway j today
+--row " nut" (prn nut) Nothing
+--row " cash" (prn cash) Nothing
+--row "months" (prn months) Nothing
sec :: String -> IO ()
sec label = putStrLn $ "\n" <> label <> ":"
@@ -68,9 +75,9 @@ row label value (Just nb) = IO.putStrLn $ gap <> label <> ":" <> gap <> value <>
gap :: Text
gap = " "
--- Pretty-print a number. From
+-- | Pretty-print a number. From
prn :: Quantity -> Text
-prn d = T.intercalate "." $ case T.splitOn "." $ T.pack $ show d of
+prn d = T.intercalate "." $ case T.splitOn "." $ T.pack $ show $ roundTo 2 d of
x : xs -> (T.pack . reverse . go . reverse . T.unpack) x : xs
xs -> xs
@@ -84,23 +91,19 @@ prn d = T.intercalate "." $ case T.splitOn "." $ T.pack $ show d of
level :: Decimal -> Integer
level = floor . logBase 10 . realToFrac
--- | A trivial decision is one that is between 0.01% and 0.1% of the total. This
--- uses the upper bound of that range.
+-- | A trivial decision is one that is between 0.01% of the total.
-- From <>
trivial :: Quantity
-trivial = 0.001
+trivial = 0.0001
-inUsd :: Maybe ValuationType
-inUsd = Just $ AtNow $ Just "USD"
+inUsdNow :: Maybe ValuationType
+inUsdNow = Just $ AtNow $ Just "USD"
getTotal :: Journal -> Day -> ReportOpts -> String -> Quantity
getTotal j d opts q = sum $ map aquantity $ total
- opts' =
- opts
- { today_ = Just d
- }
+ opts' = opts {today_ = Just d}
(query, _) = parseQuery d $ pack q
(_, (Mixed total)) = balanceReport opts' query j
@@ -119,13 +122,16 @@ savingsAccounts =
-- | Savings rate is a FIRE staple. Basically take your savings and divide it by
-- your income on a monthly basis.
+-- I think this is wronge because I need to take the monthly ammounts, but this
+-- gives total amounts
savingsRate :: Journal -> Day -> Quantity
savingsRate j d = roundTo 2 $ allSavings / allIncome
- allSavings = getTotal j d (defreportopts {value_ = inUsd}) query
+ allSavings = getTotal j d (defreportopts {value_ = inUsdNow}) query
query = List.intercalate " " $ savingsAccounts
-- gotta flip the sign because income is negative
- allIncome = - getTotal j d (defreportopts {value_ = inUsd}) "^in"
+ allIncome = - getTotal j d (defreportopts {value_ = inUsdNow}) "^in"
-- | The target fund is simply 25x your annual expenditure.
@@ -149,20 +155,45 @@ targetFund j d = 25 * yearlyExpenses
today_ = Just d
+-- | I have data going back to 2018.12. Use this for calculating averages per
+-- month.
+monthsSinceBeginning :: Day -> Quantity
+monthsSinceBeginning d = fromInteger $ (year - 2019) * 12 + toInteger month + 1
+ where
+ (year, month, _) = toGregorian d
-- | How long until I can live off of my savings and investment returns?
-- Return integer is number of months until I'm free.
whenFreedom :: Journal -> Day -> Quantity
whenFreedom j d = roundTo 1 $ targetFund j d / monthlySavings
- (year, month, _) = toGregorian d
- -- I have data going back to 2018.12
- monthsSinceBeginning = fromInteger $ (year - 2019) * 12 + toInteger month + 1
monthlySavings =
- & map (getTotal j d (defreportopts {value_ = inUsd, period_ = MonthPeriod 2020 10}))
+ & map (getTotal j d (defreportopts {value_ = inUsdNow, period_ = MonthPeriod 2020 10}))
& sum
- & \n -> (n / monthsSinceBeginning)
+ & \n -> (n / monthsSinceBeginning d)
+-- | How many months I could sustain myself with my cash and savings, given my
+-- current expenses.
+-- runway :: Journal -> Day -> (Quantity, Quantity, Quantity)
+-- runway j d = (nut, cash, cash / nut)
+runway j d = total
+ where
+ nut = sum $ map aquantity total
+ (_, (Mixed total)) =
+ balanceReport
+ (defreportopts {average_ = True, today_ = Just d, period_ = MonthPeriod 2020 10, interval_ = Months 6})
+ (fst $ parseQuery d "^ex:me:need")
+ j
+ -- & \n -> (n / monthsSinceBeginning d)
+ cash =
+ getTotal
+ j
+ d
+ (defreportopts {value_ = inUsdNow})
+ "^as:me:save ^as:me:cash ^li:me:cred"
-- | Escape velocity:
@@ -185,8 +216,8 @@ whenFreedom j d = roundTo 1 $ targetFund j d / monthlySavings
-- v = 0.1095
--- I don't know what this means... maybe my money must be growing at a 25% rate in
--- order to cover the debt? I need to think about this equation some more.
+-- I don't know what this means... maybe my money must be growing at an 11% rate
+-- in order to cover the debt? I need to think about this equation some more.
-- Basically, escape velocity will be when my assets are growing faster than my
-- debts. In order to know this, I need: