path: root/hledger-overview.hs
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2021-08-31 07:52:33 -0400
committerBen Sima <>2021-08-31 07:52:33 -0400
commitbaa10e8d290a44a717d27c8dd69375eb621d6e9f (patch)
treee01077a7f1d9ec2f5a3e61b769fbe3b36855665a /hledger-overview.hs
parent262a85bbb7060479a70fb71a1fabd42dae745694 (diff)
add more plan age estimates, and maturity field
Diffstat (limited to 'hledger-overview.hs')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/hledger-overview.hs b/hledger-overview.hs
index 1a339be..3cea65c 100755
--- a/hledger-overview.hs
+++ b/hledger-overview.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Function ((&))
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as IO
@@ -40,8 +40,10 @@ run f = do
t <- today
return $ f j t
+janj :: CommoditySymbol -> Maybe ValuationType
+janj = Just . AtNow . Just
main = do
- let janj = Just . AtNow . Just
let banner txt = Process.callProcess "figlet" ["-f", "small", txt ]
(cur, value_) <-
@@ -84,22 +86,28 @@ main = do
row " runway" (Target 12 runwayMo) $ Just "want: 12 months"
let (ramenNut, _, ramenMo) = ramen j t reportopts
row " ramen" (Target 3 ramenMo) $ Just $ "want: 3 months" <> gap <> "nut: " <> display ramenNut
- let (thisyear, _, _) = toGregorian t
- let age = (fromInteger thisyear) - 1992
+ let (thisyear, thismonth, _) = toGregorian t
+ let age = fromInteger thisyear - 1992 + fromIntegral (thismonth-7)/12 -- offset for birthmonth
let n = whenFreedom j t reportopts
let ageFree = roundTo 1 $ (n / 12) + age :: Decimal
row "fire rate" (Percent_ $ savingsRate j t reportopts) Nothing
- row "fire fund" (targetFund j t reportopts) Nothing
+ let fireFund = targetFund j t reportopts
+ row "fire fund" fireFund $ Just $ "plan: "
+ <> (display $ fromJust $ Map.lookup (level fireFund) $ levelScheduleRev cur)
row "when free" (Months_ n) $ Just $ "I'll be " <> pr ageFree <> " years old"
- sec "plan"
+ sec $ "plan [" <> show (roundTo 2 $ age) <> "]"
row "net worth" (Target expectedNetWorth $ netWorth) $ Just $ "plan: " <> display (cur expectedNetWorth)
- row " level" (Target expectedLevel $ level netWorth) $ Just $ "plan: " <> display expectedLevel
+ row " level" (Target expectedLevel $ level netWorth)
+ $ Just $ "plan: " <> display expectedLevel
+ let maturity = fromJust $ Map.lookup (level netWorth) $ levelScheduleRev cur
+ row " maturity" (Target age maturity) $ Just $ "diff: " <> (display $ Diff (maturity - age))
let levelup n = level netWorth & (+ n) & roundTo' floor 1 & unlevel & \target -> target - netWorth
- let nextLevel n = Just $ display $ roundTo' floor 1 $ level netWorth + n
- row " next" (levelup 0.1) $ nextLevel 0.1
- row " nnext" (levelup 0.2) $ nextLevel 0.2
- row " nnnext" (levelup 0.3) $ nextLevel 0.3
+ let nextLevel incr = let n = (roundTo' floor 1 $ level netWorth + incr)
+ in display n <> ", age: " <> display (fromJust $ Map.lookup n $ levelScheduleRev cur)
+ row " next" (levelup 0.1) $ Just $ nextLevel 0.1
+ row " nnext" (levelup 0.2) $ Just $ nextLevel 0.2
+ row " nnnext" (levelup 0.3) $ Just $ nextLevel 0.3
let satbal = getTotal j t (defreportopts {value_ = janj "sat"}) "^as cur:'BTC|sat|sats'"
row "real sats" satbal Nothing
@@ -148,7 +156,7 @@ instance (Num a, Ord a, Display a) => Display (Tagged a) where
display (Percent_ p) = display p <> "%"
display (Diff n)
| n > 0 = "+" <> display n
- | n < 0 = "-" <> display n
+ | n < 0 = display n
| n == 0 = "=="
instance Display Text where
@@ -202,9 +210,19 @@ steps start = zip (map realToFrac lvls) (zipWith (-) (ls ++ [0]) (0 : ls))
lvls = [start, start + 0.01 .. 8.0]
ls = map (realToFrac . unlevel) lvls
+-- | Map of level to age.
+levelScheduleRev :: (Quantity -> Tagged Decimal) -> Map.Map Decimal Decimal
+levelScheduleRev cur = Map.fromList $ zip lvls ages
+ where (ages, lvls) = levelSchedule' cur
-- | Map of age to level. Age is year + month as a decimal.
levelSchedule :: (Quantity -> Tagged Decimal) -> Map.Map Decimal Decimal
levelSchedule cur = Map.fromList $ zip ages lvls
+ where (ages, lvls) = levelSchedule' cur
+-- | Helper for above fns
+levelSchedule' :: (Quantity -> Tagged Decimal) -> ([Decimal], [Decimal])
+levelSchedule' cur = (ages++[70], lvls++[goal])
ultimateGoal = cur 1_000_000_000 -- thats a billion usd
(start, goal) = case ultimateGoal of
@@ -293,6 +311,10 @@ yearsSinceBeginning d = monthsSinceBeginning d / 12
whenFreedom :: Journal -> Day -> ReportOpts -> Quantity
whenFreedom j d opts = roundTo 1 $ targetFund j d opts / monthlySavings j d opts
+-- | This is the current value of my savings accounts, divided by the months
+-- since starting. Because this takes the /current/ value of the accounts, the
+-- capital gains are already priced in, so as long as my investments continue to
+-- return at a similar rate, then this number is accurate.
monthlySavings :: Journal -> Day -> ReportOpts -> Quantity
monthlySavings j d opts =