diff options
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/hledger-overview.hs b/hledger-overview.hs
index 7718164..c97dee6 100755
--- a/hledger-overview.hs
+++ b/hledger-overview.hs
@@ -1,42 +1,46 @@
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
-- | Calculates and displays an overview of my finances.
module Main where
-import Hledger
import Data.Decimal (Decimal)
import Data.Either (fromRight)
-import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
-import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime(utctDay), getCurrentTime)
import Data.Text (pack)
+import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
+import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (utctDay), getCurrentTime)
+import Hledger
main = do
j <- getJournal
today <- getCurrentTime >>= return . utctDay
- let bal = getTotal j today Nothing
- let balUSD = getTotal j today $ Just $ pack "USD"
- sec "cash balances"
- row "simple" (bal "^as:me:cash:simple status:! status:*") Nothing
- row "wallet" (bal "^as:me:cash:wallet") Nothing
- row " disc" (bal "^li:me:cred:discover status:*") Nothing
- row " citi" (bal "^li:me:cred:citi status:*") Nothing
- row " btc" (bal "^as cur:BTC") Nothing
+ let bal = getTotal j today Nothing
+ let balUSD = getTotal j today $ Just $ pack "USD"
+ sec "cash balances"
+ row "simple" (bal "^as:me:cash:simple status:! status:*") Nothing
+ row "wallet" (bal "^as:me:cash:wallet") Nothing
+ row " disc" (bal "^li:me:cred:discover status:*") Nothing
+ row " citi" (bal "^li:me:cred:citi status:*") Nothing
+ row " btc" (bal "^as cur:BTC") Nothing
- sec "metrics"
- let netLiquid = bal "^as:me:cash ^li:me:cred cur:USD"
- let netWorth = balUSD "^as ^li"
- row " in - ex" (bal "^in ^ex cur:USD -p thismonth") $ Just "keep this negative to make progress"
- row "cred load" netLiquid $ Just "net liquid: credit spending minus cash assets. keep it positive"
- row "net worth" netWorth Nothing
- row " level" (level netWorth) Nothing
+ sec "metrics"
+ let netLiquid = bal "^as:me:cash ^li:me:cred cur:USD"
+ let netWorth = balUSD "^as ^li"
+ row " in - ex" (bal "^in ^ex cur:USD -p thismonth") $ Just "keep this negative to make progress"
+ row "cred load" netLiquid $ Just "net liquid: credit spending minus cash assets. keep it positive"
+ row "net worth" netWorth Nothing
+ row " level" (level netWorth) Nothing
- sec "trivials"
- let trivialWorth = trivial * netWorth
- let trivialLiquid = trivial * netLiquid
- row " net" trivialWorth Nothing
- row "liquid" trivialLiquid Nothing
+ sec "trivials"
+ let trivialWorth = trivial * netWorth
+ let trivialLiquid = trivial * netLiquid
+ row " net" trivialWorth Nothing
+ row "liquid" trivialLiquid Nothing
sec label = putStrLn $ "\n" <> label <> ":"
row label value Nothing = putStrLn $ gap <> label <> ":" <> gap <> show value
row label value (Just nb) = putStrLn $ gap <> label <> ":" <> gap <> show value <> gap <> "\t(" <> nb <> ")"
gap = " "
level :: Decimal -> Integer
@@ -54,15 +58,20 @@ getTotal j d commodity q = sum $ map aquantity $ total
value = case commodity of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just txt -> Just $ AtNow $ Just txt
- opts = defreportopts { balancetype_ = CumulativeChange, real_ = True,
- today_ = Just d, value_ = value }
+ opts =
+ defreportopts
+ { balancetype_ = CumulativeChange,
+ real_ = True,
+ today_ = Just d,
+ value_ = value
+ }
(query, _) = parseQuery d $ pack q
(_, (Mixed total)) = balanceReport opts query j
getJournal :: IO Journal
getJournal = do
jp <- defaultJournalPath
- let opts = definputopts { auto_ = True }
+ let opts = definputopts {auto_ = True}
ej <- readJournalFile opts jp
return $ fromRight undefined ej