path: root/hledger-level
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hledger-level')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hledger-level b/hledger-level
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4c2643b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hledger-level
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -exo pipefail
+query='^as ^li'
+function floor {
+ printf %.f $1
+function ceil {
+ printf %.f $(bc <<< "$1+1")
+function dec {
+ bc <<< "$1-1"
+function inc {
+ bc <<< "$1+1"
+function exp10 {
+ bc <<< "10^$1"
+function log10 {
+ bc -l <<< "l($1)/l(10)"
+function add {
+ bc -l <<< "$1 + $2"
+# colors
+today=$(date +$datefmt)
+xstart=$(date -d"2 years ago" +$datefmt)
+# basically just calculates the log10 and removes some columns
+process_row=$(cat <<EOF
+import csv, sys, math
+from datetime import datetime
+data = sys.stdin.readlines()
+rdr = csv.reader(data)
+next(rdr, None) # skip header
+for row in rdr:
+ date = row[1]
+ networth = float(row[6][:-3].replace(",", "").strip())
+ if prev:
+ x1 = datetime.strptime(prev[0], "$datefmt")
+ x2 = datetime.strptime(date, "$datefmt")
+ y1 = prev[1]
+ y2 = networth
+ change = (y1-y2) / max((x1-x2).days, 1)
+ change = ((networth / prev[1]) - 1) * 100
+ else:
+ change = 1
+ level = math.log10(networth)
+ print(date)
+ print(f"{date},{level:.2f},{networth:.2f},{change}")
+ prev = (date, networth)
+networth=$(hledger bal $query --depth=1 -V --infer-value \
+ | tail -n1 \
+ | awk '{ print $1 }' \
+ | tr -d ','
+level=$(log10 $networth)
+flevel=$(floor $level)
+data=$(mktemp --suffix=-data)
+hledger reg $query -V --infer-value -O csv \
+ | python -c "$process_row" \
+ > $data
+plot=$(mktemp --suffix=-plot)
+# here's the actual plotting code
+cat <<EOF > $plot
+set datafile separator ","
+#set term dumb
+set multiplot
+set size 1, 0.3
+set grid
+# x axis
+set xdata time
+set timefmt '$datefmt'
+set xrange ['$xstart':'$today']
+set format x '$datefmt'
+set xtics rotate by 60 offset 0,-1.5 out nomirror
+# Level
+set origin 0, 0.6
+set ytics 0.2
+set yrange [$(floor $(dec $level)):$(ceil $level)]
+set ylabel "Overall Level" textcolor rgb "green"
+plot '$data' using 1:2 linecolor rgb "red" smooth bezier with lines title "Level ($level)", \
+ $(inc $flevel) linecolor rgb "$purple" with lines title "Level $(inc $flevel)", \
+ $flevel linecolor rgb "$green" with lines title "Level $flevel", \
+ $(dec $flevel) linecolor rgb "$red" with lines title "Level $(dec $flevel)"
+# Net worth, within current level
+set origin 0, 0.3
+set ytics $(exp10 $level)
+set yrange [$(exp10 $(dec $flevel)):$(exp10 $(inc $flevel))]
+set ylabel "Net worth within current level" textcolor rgb "green"
+plot '$data' using 1:3 linecolor rgb "green" with filledcurves x1 title "Net Worth ($networth)", \
+ $(exp10 $(inc $flevel)) linecolor rgb "$purple" with lines title "Level $(inc $flevel)", \
+ $(exp10 $flevel) linecolor rgb "$green" with lines title "Level $flevel", \
+ $(exp10 $(dec $flevel)) linecolor rgb "$red" with lines title "Level $(dec $flevel)"
+# Rate of change
+set origin 0, 0
+set ytics 10
+set yrange [-100:100]
+set ylabel "Rate of change"
+plot '$data' using 1:4 linecolor rgb "green" smooth csplines with lines title "rate of change"
+unset multiplot
+gnuplot -p $plot