path: root/machines/lib/base.nix
diff options
authorBen Sima <>2024-05-15 21:04:08 -0400
committerBen Sima <>2024-10-31 13:28:50 -0400
commit2b23714e642554c747ad8e750a6504d4fd0da5b0 (patch)
tree2049da65587e7a87a51d853cbc395441260ed32c /machines/lib/base.nix
parent15c3357d0d971f22892b796deb9e22bea51556fb (diff)
add boron
Diffstat (limited to 'machines/lib/base.nix')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/machines/lib/base.nix b/machines/lib/base.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3805aa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/machines/lib/base.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+ nixpkgs = builtins.fetchTarball (import ../../nixpkgs.nix);
+in {
+ console.font = "${pkgs.fira-code}/share/fonts/truetype/FiraCode-VF.ttf";
+ environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
+ yubioath-flutter
+ yubico-pam
+ yubikey-manager
+ yubikey-personalization
+ ];
+ fonts.fonts = with pkgs; [
+ google-fonts mononoki source-code-pro fantasque-sans-mono hack-font
+ fira fira-code fira-code-symbols
+ ];
+ location.latitude = 40.80;
+ location.longitude = -81.52;
+ programs.bash.enableCompletion = true;
+ programs.command-not-found.enable = true;
+ programs.light.enable = true;
+ programs.gnupg.agent.enable = true;
+ programs.gnupg.agent.enableSSHSupport = true;
+ programs.mosh.enable = true;
+ programs.ssh.agentTimeout = "1h";
+ security.pam.yubico.control = "sufficient"; # use yubikey in lieu of password
+ security.pam.yubico.debug = false;
+ security.pam.yubico.enable = true;
+ security.pam.yubico.mode = "challenge-response";
+ security.sudo.wheelNeedsPassword = true;
+ services.pcscd.enable = true;
+ services.logind.lidSwitch = "suspend";
+ services.logind.lidSwitchDocked = "lock";
+ services.logind.lidSwitchExternalPower = "lock";
+ services.clight.enable = true;
+ = 6500;
+ services.clight.temperature.night = 1800;
+ services.printing.enable = true;
+ services.xserver.xkbOptions = "caps:ctrl_modifier";
+ services.vnstat.enable = true;
+ services.fail2ban.enable = true;
+ services.clamav.daemon.enable = false;
+ services.clamav.updater.enable = false;
+ nix.nixPath = [
+ "nixpkgs=${nixpkgs}"
+ "nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix"
+ "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels"
+ ];
+ nix.gc.automatic = false;
+ nix.gc.dates = "03:15";
+ nix.extraOptions = ''
+ builders-use-substitutes = true
+ '';
+ nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
+ nixpkgs.config.allowBroken = true;
+ time.timeZone = "America/New_York";