path: root/ski.hs
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authorBen Sima <>2018-08-07 15:32:21 -0700
committerBen Sima <>2018-08-07 15:32:21 -0700
commit65425cf618f348ed89e9d07706fa28338f84f0b5 (patch)
tree7753b944a9d6d074836c709dfe2ab405c930940d /ski.hs
parent6db87806aadc680edaa37a0143a60525629b660e (diff)
Add ski calculus interpretor
Diffstat (limited to 'ski.hs')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ski.hs b/ski.hs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b0ea4d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ski.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
+#! nix-shell -p haskellPackages.ghc -i runghc
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
+-- An expression in the SKI calculus is either S, K, I, or an application Ap of
+-- any of 2 those combinators together.
+data Expr
+ = S
+ | K
+ | I
+ | Ap Expr Expr
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- The eval function is the only function we need. It takes an expression and
+-- returns an expresison.
+eval :: Expr -> Expr
+-- First define the S combinator. We evaluate in a strict fashion, from the left
+-- to the right, so the placement of the parens must reflect this order of
+-- operations.
+eval S = S
+eval (Ap (Ap (Ap S x) y) z) = eval (Ap (Ap x z) (Ap y z))
+eval (Ap S x) = Ap S (eval x)
+-- K and I combinators are simpler:
+eval K = K
+eval (Ap (Ap K x) _) = eval x
+eval (Ap K x) = Ap K (eval x)
+eval I = I
+eval (Ap I x) = eval x
+-- One benefit of doing this in Haskell is the compiler can do exaustive pattern
+-- checking for us to make sure that we've covered every combination of S, K,
+-- and I possible in our little language defined by 'Expr'.
+-- In this case, the compiler warns that we don't have a case for
+-- (Ap (Ap _ _) _)
+-- so we just define that by recursing onto each branch of the Expr tree. But
+-- first we check for branch equality, to avoid infinite recursion:
+eval (Ap a b) =
+ if a == a' && b == b'
+ then (Ap a b)
+ else eval (Ap a' b')
+ where
+ a' = eval a
+ b' = eval b
+-- Some example tests:
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ putStrLn $ "Expect I: " ++ show i
+ putStrLn $ "Expect K: " ++ show k
+ putStrLn $ "Expect K: " ++ show s
+ putStrLn $ "Expect S: " ++ show kiss
+ putStrLn $ "Expect SKSISKKI: " ++ show a
+ where
+ i = eval (Ap I I) -- I I = I
+ k = eval (Ap (Ap K K) I) -- K K I = K
+ s = eval (Ap (Ap (Ap S K) S) K) -- S K S K = K K (S K) = K
+ -- (S (K (S I)) (S (K K) I))
+ a = eval (Ap (Ap S (Ap K (Ap S I))) (Ap (Ap S (Ap K K)) I))
+ kiss = eval (Ap (Ap (Ap K I) S) S)