path: root/Com/Simatime/language/Bs/Parser.hs
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authorBen Sima <>2019-11-23 15:59:08 -0800
committerBen Sima <>2019-11-23 15:59:08 -0800
commitcc64fa01e9bae297915906a03f85fe50be384990 (patch)
tree0edce8775852170464cad7408c3c81dec8ad9bf6 /Com/Simatime/language/Bs/Parser.hs
parentcb6147436f5cdc42622e849cfd6612261704b839 (diff)
Capitalize all Scheme and Haskell modules
Diffstat (limited to 'Com/Simatime/language/Bs/Parser.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/Com/Simatime/language/Bs/Parser.hs b/Com/Simatime/language/Bs/Parser.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3044a60..0000000
--- a/Com/Simatime/language/Bs/Parser.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
-module Language.Bs.Parser (
- readExpr
-, readExprFile
-) where
-import Control.Monad (fail)
-import Control.Monad (mzero)
-import Data.Char (digitToInt)
-import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
-import Data.String
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Language.Bs.Expr
-import Protolude hiding ((<|>), try)
-import Text.Parsec
-import qualified Text.Parsec.Language as Lang
-import Text.Parsec.Text
-import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as Tok
-lexer :: Tok.GenTokenParser T.Text () Identity
-lexer = Tok.makeTokenParser style
-style :: Tok.GenLanguageDef T.Text () Identity
-style = Lang.emptyDef {
- Tok.commentStart = "#|"
- , Tok.commentEnd = "|#"
- , Tok.commentLine = ";"
- , Tok.opStart = mzero
- , Tok.opLetter = mzero
- , Tok.identStart = letter <|> oneOf "!$%&*/:<=>?^_~"
- , Tok.identLetter = digit <|> letter <|> oneOf "!$%&*/:<=>?^_~+-.@"
- }
-parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
-parens = Tok.parens lexer
-whitespace :: Parser ()
-whitespace = Tok.whiteSpace lexer
-lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a
-lexeme = Tok.lexeme lexer
-quoted :: Parser a -> Parser a
-quoted p = try (char '\'') *> p
-identifier :: Parser T.Text
-identifier = T.pack <$> (Tok.identifier lexer <|> specialIdentifier) <?> "identifier"
- where
- specialIdentifier :: Parser String
- specialIdentifier = lexeme $ try $
- string "-" <|> string "+" <|> string "..."
--- | The @Radix@ type consists of a base integer (e.g. @10@) and a parser for
--- digits in that base (e.g. @digit@).
-type Radix = (Integer, Parser Char)
--- | Parse an integer, given a radix as output by @radix@.
--- Copied from Text.Parsec.Token
-numberWithRadix :: Radix -> Parser Integer
-numberWithRadix (base, baseDigit) = do
- digits <- many1 baseDigit
- let n = foldl (\x d -> base*x + toInteger (digitToInt d)) 0 digits
- seq n (return n)
-decimal :: Parser Integer
-decimal = Tok.decimal lexer
--- | Parse a sign, return either @id@ or @negate@ based on the sign parsed.
--- Copied from Text.Parsec.Token
-sign :: Parser (Integer -> Integer)
-sign = char '-' *> return negate
- <|> char '+' *> return identity
- <|> return identity
-intRadix :: Radix -> Parser Integer
-intRadix r = sign <*> numberWithRadix r
-textLiteral :: Parser T.Text
-textLiteral = T.pack <$> Tok.stringLiteral lexer
-nil :: Parser ()
-nil = try ((char '\'') *> string "()") *> return () <?> "nil"
-hashVal :: Parser Expr
-hashVal = lexeme $ char '#'
- *> (char 't' *> return (Bool True)
- <|> char 'f' *> return (Bool False)
- <|> char 'b' *> (Numb <$> intRadix (2, oneOf "01"))
- <|> char 'o' *> (Numb <$> intRadix (8, octDigit))
- <|> char 'd' *> (Numb <$> intRadix (10, digit))
- <|> char 'x' *> (Numb <$> intRadix (16, hexDigit))
- <|> oneOf "ei" *> fail "Unsupported: exactness"
- <|> char '(' *> fail "Unsupported: vector"
- <|> char '\\' *> fail "Unsupported: char")
-lispVal :: Parser Expr
-lispVal = hashVal
- <|> Nil <$ nil
- <|> Numb <$> try (sign <*> decimal)
- <|> Atom <$> identifier
- <|> Tape <$> textLiteral
- <|> _Quote <$> quoted lispVal
- <|> List <$> parens manyExpr
-manyExpr :: Parser [Expr]
-manyExpr = lispVal `sepBy` whitespace
-_Quote :: Expr -> Expr
-_Quote x = List [Atom "quote", x]
-contents :: Parser a -> ParsecT T.Text () Identity a
-contents p = whitespace *> lexeme p <* eof
-readExpr :: T.Text -> Either ParseError Expr
-readExpr = parse (contents lispVal) "<stdin>"
-readExprFile :: SourceName -> T.Text -> Either ParseError Expr
-readExprFile = parse (contents (List <$> manyExpr))