path: root/Omni/Bild.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Omni/Bild.hs')
1 files changed, 1144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Omni/Bild.hs b/Omni/Bild.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60253c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Omni/Bild.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1144 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+-- | A specific-purpose build tool.
+-- : out bild
+-- : run git
+-- == Design constraints
+-- * The only input is one or more a namespaces. No subcommands, no packages,
+-- no targets.
+-- * No need to write specific build rules. One rule for hs, one for rs, one
+-- for scm, and so on.
+-- * No need to distinguish between exe and lib because we only build
+-- exes; 'libs' are just source files in the tree.
+-- * Never concerned with deployment/packaging - leave that to another tool
+-- (scp? tar?)
+-- * Ability to do local dev builds should be preserved, while remote nix
+-- builds are used for the final package.
+-- == Features
+-- * Namespace maps to filesystem
+-- * no need for `bild -l` for listing available targets.
+-- Use `ls` or `tree`
+-- * you build namespaces, not files/modules/packages/etc
+-- * Namespace maps to language modules
+-- * build settings can be set in the file comments, or special 'bild'
+-- args
+-- * pwd is always considered the the source directory,
+-- no `src` vs `doc` etc.
+-- * Build rules automaticatly detected from file extensions
+-- * Flags modify the way to interact with the build, some ideas:
+-- * -p = turn on profiling
+-- * -o = optimize level
+-- * The build is planned out with an analysis, which can be viewed
+-- beforehand with `--plan`. The analysis includes compiler flags, which
+-- can be used in `repl` for testing compilation locally.
+-- * (WIP) Nix is used by default to build everything on a remote build
+-- machine, but local, non-Nix builds can be accomplished with `--dev`.
+-- == Example Commands
+-- > bild [opts] <target..>
+-- The general scheme is to build the things described by the targets. A target
+-- is a namespace. You can list as many as you want, but you must list at least
+-- one. It could just be `:!bild %` in vim to build whatever you're working on,
+-- or `bild **/*` to build everything, or `fd .hs -X bild` to build all Haskell
+-- files.
+-- Build outputs will go into the `_` directory in the root of the project.
+-- > bild A/B.hs
+-- This will build the file at ./A/B.hs, which translates to something like
+-- `ghc --make A.B`.
+-- == Build Metadata
+-- Metadata is set in the comments with a special syntax. For system-level deps,
+-- we list the deps in comments in the target file, like:
+-- > -- : sys cmark
+-- > -- : sys libssl
+-- The name is used to lookup the package in `nixpkgs.pkgs.<name>`. Only one
+-- package can be listed per line. Language-level deps can automatically
+-- determined by passing parsed import statements to a package database, eg
+-- `ghc-pkg find-module`. If such a package database is not available, we either
+-- keep a hand-written index that maps imports to packages, or we just list the
+-- name of the package with:
+-- > -- : dep package
+-- The output executable is named with:
+-- > -- : out my-program
+-- or
+-- > -- : out my-app.js
+-- When multiple compilers are possible we use the @out@ extension to determine
+-- target platform. If @out@ does not have an extension, each build type falls
+-- back to a default, namely an executable binary.
+-- This method of setting metadata in the module comments works pretty well,
+-- and really only needs to be done in the entrypoint module anyway.
+-- Local module deps are included by just giving the repo root to the underlying
+-- compiler for the target, and the compiler does the work of walking the source
+-- tree.
+module Omni.Bild where
+import Alpha hiding (sym, (<.>))
+import qualified Conduit
+import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BSI
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as ByteString.Lazy
+import qualified Data.Char as Char
+import Data.Conduit ((.|))
+import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as Conduit
+import qualified Data.Conduit.Process as Conduit
+import qualified Data.List as List
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.String as String
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO
+import qualified GHC.Conc as GHC
+import qualified Network.HostName as HostName
+import qualified Omni.Bild.Meta as Meta
+import qualified Omni.Cli as Cli
+import qualified Omni.Log as Log
+import Omni.Namespace (Namespace (..))
+import qualified Omni.Namespace as Namespace
+import Omni.Test ((@=?))
+import qualified Omni.Test as Test
+import qualified System.Directory as Dir
+import qualified System.Environment as Env
+import qualified System.Exit as Exit
+import System.FilePath (replaceExtension, (</>))
+import qualified System.IO as IO
+import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
+import qualified System.Process as Process
+import qualified System.Timeout as Timeout
+import qualified Text.Regex.Applicative as Regex
+main :: IO ()
+main = Cli.Plan help move test_ pure |> Cli.main
+ where
+ test_ =
+ "Omni.Bild"
+ [ test_bildBild,
+ test_bildExamples,
+ test_isGitIgnored,
+ test_isGitHook,
+ test_detectPythonImports
+ ]
+test_bildBild :: Test.Tree
+test_bildBild =
+ Test.unit "can bild bild" <| do
+ root <- Env.getEnv "CODEROOT"
+ path <- Dir.makeAbsolute "Omni/Bild.hs"
+ case Namespace.fromPath root path of
+ Nothing -> Test.assertFailure "can't find ns for bild"
+ Just ns ->
+ analyze mempty ns
+ +> build False False 1 2
+ +> \case
+ [Exit.ExitFailure _] ->
+ Test.assertFailure "can't bild bild"
+ _ ->
+ pure ()
+test_bildExamples :: Test.Tree
+test_bildExamples =
+ Test.unit "can bild examples" <| do
+ Env.getEnv "CODEROOT" +> \root ->
+ ["c", "hs", "lisp", "rs"]
+ |> map ("Omni/Bild/Example." <>)
+ |> traverse Dir.makeAbsolute
+ /> map (Namespace.fromPath root)
+ /> catMaybes
+ +> foldM analyze mempty
+ +> build False False 4 1
+ +> \case
+ [] -> Test.assertFailure "asdf"
+ xs -> all (== Exit.ExitSuccess) xs @=? True
+move :: Cli.Arguments -> IO ()
+move args =
+ IO.hSetBuffering stdout IO.NoBuffering
+ >> Env.getEnv "CODEROOT"
+ +> \root ->
+ Cli.getAllArgs args (Cli.argument "target")
+ |> filterM Dir.doesFileExist
+ +> filterM (\x -> isGitIgnored x /> don't)
+ /> filter (\x -> isGitHook x |> don't)
+ +> traverse Dir.makeAbsolute
+ +> traverse (namespaceFromPathOrDie root)
+ /> filter isBuildableNs
+ +> foldM analyze mempty
+ +> printOrBuild
+ |> Timeout.timeout (toMillis minutes)
+ +> \case
+ Nothing ->
+ >> ["bild", "timeout after " <> tshow minutes <> " minutes"]
+ >>
+ >> exitWith (ExitFailure 124)
+ Just s -> exitSummary s
+ where
+ minutes =
+ Cli.getArgWithDefault args "10" (Cli.longOption "time")
+ |> readMaybe
+ |> \case
+ Nothing -> panic "could not read --time argument"
+ Just n -> (n == 0) ?: (-1, n)
+ printOrBuild :: Analysis -> IO [ExitCode]
+ printOrBuild targets
+ | Map.null targets =
+ Log.wipe
+ >> ["bild", "nothing to build"]
+ >>
+ >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+ | args `Cli.has` Cli.longOption "plan" =
+ Log.wipe >> putJSON targets >> pure [Exit.ExitSuccess]
+ | otherwise = do
+ root <- Env.getEnv "CODEROOT"
+ nproc <- GHC.getNumProcessors
+ createHier root
+ build isTest isLoud jobs (cpus nproc) targets
+ cpus :: Int -> Int
+ cpus nproc =
+ Cli.longOption "cpus"
+ |> Cli.getArgWithDefault args (str <| (nproc - 4) `div` jobs)
+ |> readMaybe
+ |> \case
+ Nothing -> panic "could not read --cpus argument"
+ Just n -> n
+ jobs :: Int
+ jobs =
+ Cli.longOption "jobs"
+ |> Cli.getArgWithDefault args "6"
+ |> readMaybe
+ |> \case
+ Nothing -> panic "could not read --jobs argument"
+ Just n -> n
+ isTest = args `Cli.has` Cli.longOption "test"
+ isLoud = args `Cli.has` Cli.longOption "loud"
+ putJSON = Aeson.encode .> ByteString.Lazy.toStrict .> Char8.putStrLn
+-- | Don't try to build stuff that isn't part of the git repo.
+isGitIgnored :: FilePath -> IO Bool
+isGitIgnored path =
+ Process.readProcessWithExitCode "git" ["check-ignore", path] ""
+ +> \case
+ (ExitSuccess, _, _) -> pure True
+ (ExitFailure _, _, _) -> pure False
+test_isGitIgnored :: Test.Tree
+test_isGitIgnored =
+ "isGitIgnored"
+ [ Test.unit "filters one" <| do
+ res <- isGitIgnored "_"
+ res @=? True,
+ Test.unit "filters many" <| do
+ traverse isGitIgnored ["Omni/Bild.hs", "TAGS"]
+ +> (@=? [False, True])
+ ]
+isGitHook :: FilePath -> Bool
+isGitHook path =
+ "Omni/Ide/hooks" `List.isInfixOf` path
+test_isGitHook :: Test.Tree
+test_isGitHook =
+ "isGitHook"
+ [ Test.unit "filters pre-commit hook" <| do
+ root <- Env.getEnv "CODEROOT"
+ True @=? (isGitHook <| root <> "/Omni/Ide/hooks/pre-commit"),
+ Test.unit "doesn't filter non-hooks" <| do
+ root <- Env.getEnv "CODEROOT"
+ False @=? (isGitHook <| root <> "/Omni/Bild.hs")
+ ]
+namespaceFromPathOrDie :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Namespace
+namespaceFromPathOrDie root path =
+ Namespace.fromPath root path |> \case
+ Just x -> pure x
+ Nothing ->
+ ["bild", str path, "could not get namespace"]
+ >>
+ >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+nixStore :: String
+nixStore = "/nix/store/00000000000000000000000000000000-"
+help :: Cli.Docopt
+help =
+ [Cli.docopt|
+ bild test
+ bild [options] <target>...
+ bild --help
+ --test, -t Run tests on a target after building
+ --loud, -l Show all output from compiler
+ --plan, -p Print the build plan as JSON, don't build
+ --time N Set timeout to N minutes, 0 means never timeout [default: 10]
+ --jobs N, -j N Build up to N jobs at once [default: 6]
+ --cpus N, -c N Allocate up to N cpu cores per job (default: (nproc-4)/jobs)
+ --help, -h Print this info
+exitSummary :: [Exit.ExitCode] -> IO ()
+exitSummary exits =
+ if failures > 0
+ then Exit.die <| show failures
+ else Exit.exitSuccess
+ where
+ failures = length <| filter isFailure exits
+data Compiler
+ = Copy
+ | CPython
+ | Gcc
+ | Ghc
+ | Guile
+ | NixBuild
+ | Rustc
+ | Sbcl
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+compilerExe :: (IsString a) => Compiler -> a
+compilerExe = \case
+ Copy -> "cp"
+ CPython -> "python"
+ Gcc -> "gcc"
+ Ghc -> "ghc"
+ Guile -> "guild"
+ NixBuild -> "nix-build"
+ Rustc -> "rustc"
+ Sbcl -> "sbcl"
+instance Aeson.ToJSON Compiler where
+ toJSON = Aeson.String <. compilerExe
+instance ToNixFlag Compiler where
+ toNixFlag = compilerExe
+-- | Type alias for making sure that the path is qualified, meaning it starts at
+-- the root of the repo, and is not an absolute path nor a subpath
+type QualifiedPath = FilePath
+data Target = Target
+ { -- | Output name
+ out :: Meta.Out,
+ -- | Output path (into cabdir)
+ outPath :: FilePath,
+ -- | Fully qualified namespace partitioned by '.'
+ namespace :: Namespace,
+ -- | Path to file, qualified based on the root of the git directory
+ quapath :: QualifiedPath,
+ -- | Main module name, formatted as the language expects
+ mainModule :: String,
+ -- | Name of the packageset in Bild.nix to pull langdeps from
+ packageSet :: Text,
+ -- | Language-specific dependencies, required during compilation
+ langdeps :: Set Meta.Dep,
+ -- | Local source files on which this target depends
+ srcs :: Set FilePath,
+ -- | System-level dependencies, required during runtime either via PATH or
+ -- linking, depending on the language
+ sysdeps :: Set Meta.Dep,
+ -- | Which compiler should we use?
+ compiler :: Compiler,
+ -- | Which nix build expression?
+ builder :: Text,
+ -- | Who is building this?
+ user :: Text,
+ -- | Where are they buildint it?
+ host :: Text,
+ -- | Flags and arguments passed to 'Compiler' when building
+ compilerFlags :: [Text],
+ -- | Wrapper script (if necessary)
+ wrapper :: Maybe Text,
+ -- | Runtime dependences
+ rundeps :: Set Meta.Run
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Generic, Aeson.ToJSON)
+-- | Use this to just get a target to play with at the repl.
+dev_getTarget :: FilePath -> IO Target
+dev_getTarget fp = do
+ root <- Env.getEnv "CODEROOT"
+ path <- Dir.makeAbsolute fp
+ Namespace.fromPath root path
+ |> \case
+ Nothing -> panic "Could not get namespace from path"
+ Just ns ->
+ analyze mempty ns
+ /> Map.lookup ns
+ /> \case
+ Nothing -> panic "Could not retrieve target from analysis"
+ Just t -> t
+data Builder
+ = -- | Local <user> <host>
+ Local Text Text
+ | -- | Remote <user> <host>
+ Remote Text Text
+ deriving (Show, Generic)
+instance Aeson.ToJSON Builder where
+ toJSON (Local u host) = Aeson.String <| u <> "@" <> host
+ toJSON (Remote u host) = Aeson.String <| u <> "@" <> host
+class ToNixFlag a where
+ toNixFlag :: a -> String
+instance ToNixFlag Builder where
+ toNixFlag = \case
+ Local _ _ -> mempty
+ Remote u h -> Text.unpack <| Text.concat ["ssh://", u, "@", h, "?ssh-key=/home/", u, "/.ssh/id_rsa"]
+-- | We can't build everything yet...
+isBuildableNs :: Namespace -> Bool
+isBuildableNs = \case
+ (Namespace _ Namespace.C) -> True
+ (Namespace _ Namespace.Css) -> False
+ (Namespace _ Namespace.Hs) -> True
+ (Namespace _ Namespace.Html) -> False
+ (Namespace _ Namespace.Json) -> False
+ (Namespace _ Namespace.Keys) -> False
+ (Namespace _ Namespace.Lisp) -> True
+ (Namespace _ Namespace.Md) -> False
+ (Namespace path Namespace.Nix)
+ | path `elem` nixTargets -> True
+ | otherwise -> False
+ (Namespace _ Namespace.None) -> False
+ (Namespace _ Namespace.Py) -> True
+ (Namespace _ Namespace.Sh) -> False
+ (Namespace _ Namespace.Scm) -> True
+ (Namespace _ Namespace.Rs) -> True
+ (Namespace _ Namespace.Toml) -> True
+ where
+ nixTargets =
+ [ ["Biz", "Pie"],
+ ["Biz", "Que"],
+ ["Omni", "Cloud"],
+ ["Omni", "Dev"],
+ ["Omni", "Dev", "Lithium"],
+ ["Omni", "Dev", "Beryllium"],
+ ["Biz", "Dragons", "Analysis"]
+ ]
+-- | The default output directory. This is not IO because I don't want to
+-- refactor all of my code right now, but it probably should be.
+cab :: FilePath
+cab =
+ Env.lookupEnv "CABDIR"
+ /> fromMaybe "_"
+ |> unsafePerformIO
+outToPath :: Meta.Out -> FilePath
+outToPath = \case
+ Meta.Bin o -> cab </> "bin" </> o
+ Meta.Lib o -> cab </> "lib" </> o
+ Meta.None -> mempty
+outname :: Meta.Out -> FilePath
+outname = \case
+ Meta.Bin o -> o
+ Meta.Lib o -> o
+ Meta.None -> mempty
+bindir, intdir, nixdir, vardir :: FilePath
+bindir = cab </> "bin"
+intdir = cab </> "int"
+nixdir = cab </> "nix"
+vardir = cab </> "var"
+-- | Emulate the *nix hierarchy in the cabdir.
+createHier :: String -> IO ()
+createHier root =
+ traverse_
+ (Dir.createDirectoryIfMissing True)
+ [ root </> (outToPath <| Meta.Bin ""),
+ root </> (outToPath <| Meta.Lib ""),
+ root </> intdir,
+ root </> nixdir,
+ root </> vardir
+ ]
+-- >>> removeVersion "array-"
+-- "array"
+removeVersion :: String -> String
+removeVersion = takeWhile (/= '.') .> butlast2
+ where
+ butlast2 s = take (length s - 2) s
+type Analysis = Map Namespace Target
+analyze :: Analysis -> Namespace -> IO Analysis
+analyze hmap ns = case Map.lookup ns hmap of
+ Nothing -> do
+ mTarget <- analyzeOne ns
+ pure <| maybe hmap (\t -> Map.insert ns t hmap) mTarget
+ Just _ -> pure hmap
+ where
+ analyzeOne :: Namespace -> IO (Maybe Target)
+ analyzeOne namespace@(Namespace _ ext) = do
+ let path = Namespace.toPath namespace
+ root <- Env.getEnv "CODEROOT"
+ let abspath = root </> path
+ let quapath = path
+ user <- Env.getEnv "USER" /> Text.pack
+ host <- HostName.getHostName /> Text.pack
+ ["bild", "analyze", str path]
+ contentLines <-
+ withFile abspath ReadMode <| \h ->
+ IO.hSetEncoding h IO.utf8_bom
+ >> Text.IO.hGetContents h
+ /> Text.lines
+ case ext of
+ -- basically we don't support building these
+ Namespace.Css -> pure Nothing
+ Namespace.Json -> pure Nothing
+ Namespace.Keys -> pure Nothing
+ Namespace.Md -> pure Nothing
+ Namespace.None -> pure Nothing
+ Namespace.Html -> pure Nothing
+ Namespace.Toml -> pure Nothing
+ Namespace.Py ->
+ contentLines
+ |> Meta.detectAll "#"
+ |> \Meta.Parsed {..} ->
+ detectPythonImports contentLines +> \srcs ->
+ Target
+ { builder = "python",
+ wrapper = Nothing,
+ compiler = CPython,
+ compilerFlags =
+ -- This doesn't really make sense for python, but I'll leave
+ -- it here for eventual --dev builds
+ [ "-c",
+ "\"import py_compile;import os;"
+ <> "py_compile.compile(file='"
+ <> str quapath
+ <> "', cfile=os.getenv('CODEROOT')+'/_/int/"
+ <> str quapath
+ <> "', doraise=True)\""
+ ],
+ sysdeps = psys,
+ langdeps = pdep,
+ outPath = outToPath pout,
+ out = pout,
+ packageSet = "python.packages",
+ mainModule = Namespace.toModule namespace,
+ rundeps = prun,
+ ..
+ }
+ |> Just
+ |> pure
+ Namespace.Sh -> pure Nothing
+ Namespace.C ->
+ Meta.detectAll "//" contentLines |> \Meta.Parsed {..} -> do
+ Target
+ { langdeps = pdep,
+ sysdeps = psys,
+ wrapper = Nothing,
+ compiler = Gcc,
+ builder = "c",
+ out = pout,
+ packageSet = "c.packages",
+ mainModule = Namespace.toModule namespace,
+ compilerFlags = case pout of
+ Meta.Bin o ->
+ ["-o", o, path] <> Set.toList parg |> map Text.pack
+ _ -> panic "can only bild C exes, not libs",
+ outPath = outToPath pout,
+ -- implement detectCImports, then I can fill this out
+ srcs = Set.empty,
+ rundeps = prun,
+ ..
+ }
+ |> Just
+ |> pure
+ Namespace.Hs ->
+ contentLines
+ |> Meta.detectAll "--"
+ |> \Meta.Parsed {..} ->
+ detectHaskellImports hmap contentLines +> \(langdeps, srcs) ->
+ Target
+ { builder = "haskell",
+ wrapper = Nothing,
+ compiler = Ghc,
+ packageSet = "haskell.packages",
+ mainModule = Namespace.toModule namespace,
+ compilerFlags =
+ [ "-Wall",
+ "-Werror",
+ "-haddock",
+ "-Winvalid-haddock",
+ "-threaded",
+ "-i$CODEROOT",
+ "-odir",
+ ".",
+ "-hidir",
+ ".",
+ "--make",
+ "$CODEROOT" </> quapath
+ ]
+ ++ case pout of
+ Meta.Bin o ->
+ [ "-main-is",
+ Namespace.toHaskellModule namespace,
+ "-o",
+ o
+ ]
+ _ -> []
+ |> map Text.pack,
+ sysdeps = Meta.detect (Meta.sys "--") contentLines,
+ outPath = outToPath pout,
+ rundeps = prun,
+ out = pout,
+ ..
+ }
+ |> Just
+ |> pure
+ Namespace.Lisp ->
+ Meta.detectOut (Meta.out ";;") contentLines |> \out -> do
+ langdeps <- detectLispImports contentLines
+ Just
+ </ pure
+ Target
+ { sysdeps = Set.empty,
+ wrapper = Nothing,
+ compiler = Sbcl,
+ packageSet = "lisp.sbclWith",
+ mainModule = Namespace.toModule namespace,
+ compilerFlags =
+ map
+ Text.pack
+ [ "--eval",
+ "(require :asdf)",
+ "--load",
+ quapath,
+ "--eval",
+ "(sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die #p\"" <> (root </> outToPath out) <> "\" :toplevel #'main :executable t)"
+ ],
+ builder = "base",
+ outPath = outToPath out,
+ -- add local src imports to detectLispImports, then i can fill this out
+ srcs = Set.empty,
+ rundeps = Set.empty,
+ ..
+ }
+ Namespace.Nix ->
+ (host == "lithium") ?: (Local user "lithium", Remote user "") |> \builder ->
+ Target
+ { langdeps = Set.empty,
+ wrapper = Nothing,
+ sysdeps = Set.empty,
+ compiler = NixBuild,
+ compilerFlags =
+ [ quapath,
+ "--out-link",
+ root </> nixdir </> Namespace.toPath namespace,
+ "--builders",
+ toNixFlag builder,
+ "--arg",
+ "bild",
+ str <| "import " <> root </> "Omni/Bild.nix {}"
+ ]
+ |> map Text.pack,
+ out = Meta.None,
+ outPath = outToPath Meta.None,
+ srcs = Set.empty,
+ packageSet = "",
+ mainModule = Namespace.toModule namespace,
+ builder = "base",
+ rundeps = Set.empty,
+ ..
+ }
+ |> Just
+ |> pure
+ Namespace.Scm ->
+ Meta.detectAll ";;" contentLines |> \Meta.Parsed {..} ->
+ Target
+ { langdeps = pdep,
+ sysdeps = psys,
+ compiler = Guile,
+ packageSet = "scheme.guilePackages",
+ mainModule = Namespace.toModule namespace,
+ compilerFlags =
+ [ "compile",
+ "--r7rs",
+ "--load-path=" ++ root,
+ "--output=" ++ root </> intdir </> replaceExtension quapath ".scm.go",
+ quapath
+ ]
+ |> map Text.pack,
+ builder = "base",
+ outPath = outToPath pout,
+ out = pout,
+ srcs = Set.empty, -- implement detectSchemeImports
+ -- TODO: wrapper should just be removed, instead rely on
+ -- upstream nixpkgs builders to make wrappers
+ wrapper =
+ (pout == Meta.None)
+ ?: ( Nothing,
+ [ "#!/usr/bin/env bash",
+ "guile -C \""
+ <> root
+ </> intdir
+ <> "\" -e main "
+ <> "-s "
+ <> Namespace.toPath namespace
+ <> " \"$@\""
+ ]
+ |> joinWith "\n"
+ |> Text.pack
+ |> Just
+ ),
+ rundeps = prun,
+ ..
+ }
+ |> Just
+ |> pure
+ Namespace.Rs ->
+ Meta.detectAll "//" contentLines |> \Meta.Parsed {..} ->
+ Target
+ { langdeps = pdep,
+ -- this packageSet doesn't actually exist because everyone in
+ -- nix just generates nix expressions for rust dependencies with
+ -- Cargo.lock, so I have to make it in order to use rust deps
+ packageSet = "rust.packages",
+ mainModule = Namespace.toModule namespace,
+ wrapper = Nothing,
+ sysdeps = psys <> Set.singleton "rustc",
+ out = pout,
+ compiler = Rustc,
+ compilerFlags = case pout of
+ Meta.Bin o ->
+ map
+ Text.pack
+ [ "$CODEROOT" </> path,
+ "-o",
+ o
+ ]
+ _ -> panic "can't build rust libs",
+ builder = "base",
+ outPath = outToPath pout,
+ -- implement detectRustImports
+ srcs = Set.empty,
+ rundeps = prun,
+ ..
+ }
+ |> Just
+ |> pure
+detectHaskellImports :: Analysis -> [Text] -> IO (Set Meta.Dep, Set FilePath)
+detectHaskellImports hmap contentLines =
+ Env.getEnv "CODEROOT" +> \root ->
+ contentLines
+ /> Text.unpack
+ /> Regex.match haskellImports
+ |> catMaybes
+ |> \imports ->
+ foldM ghcPkgFindModule Set.empty imports
+ +> \pkgs ->
+ filepaths imports
+ +> \files ->
+ findDeps root files
+ +> \deps ->
+ (pkgs <> deps, map (stripRoot root) files |> Set.fromList)
+ |> pure
+ where
+ filepaths :: [String] -> IO [FilePath]
+ filepaths imports =
+ imports
+ |> map Namespace.fromHaskellModule
+ |> map Namespace.toPath
+ |> traverse Dir.makeAbsolute
+ +> filterM Dir.doesFileExist
+ findDeps :: String -> [FilePath] -> IO (Set Meta.Dep)
+ findDeps root fps =
+ fps
+ |> traverse (pure <. Namespace.fromPath root)
+ /> catMaybes
+ -- this is still an inefficiency, because this recurses before the
+ -- hmap is updated by the fold, transitive imports will be
+ -- re-visited. you can see this with `TERM=dumb bild`. to fix this i
+ -- need shared state instead of a fold, or figure out how to do a
+ -- breadth-first search instead of depth-first.
+ +> foldM analyze (onlyHaskell hmap)
+ /> Map.elems
+ /> map langdeps
+ /> mconcat
+ onlyHaskell :: Analysis -> Analysis
+ onlyHaskell = Map.filterWithKey (\ns _ -> ext ns == Namespace.Hs)
+stripRoot :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+stripRoot root f = fromMaybe f (List.stripPrefix (root <> "/") f)
+detectLispImports :: [Text] -> IO (Set Meta.Dep)
+detectLispImports contentLines =
+ contentLines
+ /> Text.unpack
+ /> Regex.match lispRequires
+ |> catMaybes
+ |> Set.fromList
+ |> pure
+-- | Finds local imports. Does not recurse to find transitive imports like
+-- 'detectHaskellImports' does. Someday I will refactor these detection
+-- functions and have a common, well-performing, complete solution.
+detectPythonImports :: [Text] -> IO (Set FilePath)
+detectPythonImports contentLines =
+ contentLines
+ /> Text.unpack
+ /> Regex.match pythonImport
+ |> catMaybes
+ /> Namespace.fromPythonModule
+ /> Namespace.toPath
+ |> filterM Dir.doesPathExist
+ /> Set.fromList
+ where
+ -- only detects 'import x' because I don't like 'from'
+ pythonImport :: Regex.RE Char String
+ pythonImport =
+ Regex.string "import"
+ *> Regex.some (Regex.psym Char.isSpace)
+ *> Regex.many (Regex.psym isModuleChar)
+ <* Regex.many Regex.anySym
+test_detectPythonImports :: Test.Tree
+test_detectPythonImports =
+ "detectPythonImports"
+ [ Test.unit "matches import statements" <| do
+ set <- detectPythonImports ["import Omni.Log"]
+ Set.fromList ["Omni/"] @=? set,
+ Test.unit "matches import as statements" <| do
+ set <- detectPythonImports ["import Omni.Log as Log"]
+ Set.fromList ["Omni/"] @=? set
+ ]
+ghcPkgFindModule :: Set String -> String -> IO (Set String)
+ghcPkgFindModule acc m =
+ Env.getEnv "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH" +> \packageDb ->
+ Process.readProcess
+ "ghc-pkg"
+ ["--package-db", packageDb, "--names-only", "--simple-output", "find-module", m]
+ ""
+ /> String.lines
+ /> Set.fromList
+ /> Set.union acc
+isFailure :: Exit.ExitCode -> Bool
+isFailure (Exit.ExitFailure _) = True
+isFailure Exit.ExitSuccess = False
+isSuccess :: Exit.ExitCode -> Bool
+isSuccess Exit.ExitSuccess = True
+isSuccess _ = False
+test :: Bool -> Target -> IO (Exit.ExitCode, ByteString)
+test loud Target {..} = case compiler of
+ Ghc -> do
+ root <- Env.getEnv "CODEROOT"
+ run
+ <| Proc
+ { loud = loud,
+ cmd = root </> outToPath out,
+ args = ["test"],
+ ns = namespace,
+ onFailure = ["test", nschunk namespace] >>,
+ onSuccess = Log.pass ["test", nschunk namespace] >>
+ }
+ _ ->
+ Log.warn ["test", nschunk namespace, "unavailable"]
+ >>
+ >> pure (Exit.ExitFailure 1, mempty)
+build :: Bool -> Bool -> Int -> Int -> Analysis -> IO [Exit.ExitCode]
+build andTest loud jobs cpus analysis =
+ Env.getEnv "CODEROOT" +> \root ->
+ forM (Map.elems analysis) <| \target@Target {..} ->
+ fst </ case compiler of
+ CPython -> case out of
+ Meta.Bin _ ->
+ ["bild", "nix", "python", nschunk namespace]
+ >> nixBuild loud jobs cpus target
+ _ ->
+ ["bild", "nix", "python", nschunk namespace, "cannot build library"]
+ >> pure (Exit.ExitSuccess, mempty)
+ Gcc ->
+ ["bild", label, "gcc", nschunk namespace]
+ >> nixBuild loud jobs cpus target
+ where
+ label = case out of
+ Meta.Bin _ -> "bin"
+ _ -> "lib"
+ Ghc -> case out of
+ Meta.None -> pure (Exit.ExitSuccess, mempty)
+ Meta.Bin _ -> do
+ ["bild", "nix", user <> "@" <> host, nschunk namespace]
+ result <- nixBuild loud jobs cpus target
+ if andTest && (isSuccess <| fst result)
+ then test loud target
+ else pure result
+ Meta.Lib _ -> do
+ ["bild", "dev", "ghc-lib", nschunk namespace]
+ proc loud namespace (toNixFlag compiler) compilerFlags
+ Guile -> do
+ ["bild", "dev", "guile", nschunk namespace]
+ _ <- proc loud namespace (toNixFlag compiler) compilerFlags
+ case wrapper of
+ Nothing -> pure (Exit.ExitSuccess, mempty)
+ Just content -> do
+ writeFile (root </> outToPath out) content
+ p <- Dir.getPermissions <| root </> outToPath out
+ Dir.setPermissions (root </> outToPath out) (Dir.setOwnerExecutable True p)
+ pure (Exit.ExitSuccess, mempty)
+ NixBuild -> do
+ ["bild", "nix", user <> "@" <> host, nschunk namespace]
+ proc loud namespace (toNixFlag compiler)
+ <| compilerFlags
+ ++ [ "--max-jobs",
+ Text.pack <| str jobs,
+ "--cores",
+ Text.pack <| str cpus
+ ]
+ Copy -> do
+ Log.warn ["bild", "copy", "not implemented yet", nschunk namespace]
+ pure (Exit.ExitSuccess, mempty)
+ Rustc ->
+ ["bild", "dev", "rust", nschunk namespace]
+ >> nixBuild loud jobs cpus target
+ Sbcl -> do
+ ["bild", "dev", "lisp", nschunk namespace]
+ proc loud namespace (toNixFlag compiler) compilerFlags
+data Proc = Proc
+ { loud :: Bool,
+ cmd :: String,
+ args :: [String],
+ ns :: Namespace,
+ onFailure :: IO (),
+ onSuccess :: IO ()
+ }
+-- | Convert minutes to milliseconds.
+toMillis :: (Num a) => a -> a
+toMillis mins = mins * 60_000_000
+-- | Run a subprocess, streaming output if --loud is set.
+run :: Proc -> IO (Exit.ExitCode, ByteString)
+run Proc {..} = do
+ IO.hSetBuffering stdout IO.NoBuffering
+ loud ?| ["proc", unwords <| map str <| cmd : args]
+ Conduit.proc cmd args
+ |> (\proc_ -> proc_ {Process.create_group = True})
+ |> Conduit.streamingProcess
+ +> \(Conduit.UseProvidedHandle, stdout_, stderr_, hdl) ->
+ (,,)
+ </ Async.Concurrently (Conduit.waitForStreamingProcess hdl)
+ <*> Async.Concurrently (loud ?: (puts stdout_, logs ns stdout_))
+ <*> Async.Concurrently (loud ?: (puts stderr_, logs ns stderr_))
+ |> Async.runConcurrently
+ +> \case
+ (Exit.ExitFailure n, output, outerr) ->
+ Conduit.closeStreamingProcessHandle hdl
+ >> putStr outerr
+ >> onFailure
+ >> pure (Exit.ExitFailure n, output)
+ (Exit.ExitSuccess, output, _) ->
+ Conduit.closeStreamingProcessHandle hdl
+ >> onSuccess
+ >> pure (Exit.ExitSuccess, output)
+-- | Helper for running a standard bild subprocess.
+proc ::
+ Bool ->
+ Namespace ->
+ String ->
+ [Text] ->
+ IO (Exit.ExitCode, ByteString)
+proc loud namespace cmd args =
+ Proc
+ { loud = loud,
+ ns = namespace,
+ cmd = cmd,
+ args = map Text.unpack args,
+ onFailure = ["bild", nschunk namespace] >>,
+ onSuccess = Log.good ["bild", nschunk namespace] >>
+ }
+ |> run
+-- | Helper for printing during a subprocess
+puts ::
+ Conduit.ConduitT () ByteString (Conduit.ResourceT IO) () ->
+ IO ByteString
+puts src =
+ Conduit.runConduitRes
+ <| src
+ .| Conduit.iterM (liftIO <. putStr)
+ .| Conduit.foldC
+-- | Like 'puts' but logs the output via 'Omni.Log'.
+logs ::
+ Namespace ->
+ Conduit.ConduitT () ByteString (Conduit.ResourceT IO) () ->
+ IO ByteString
+logs ns src =
+ Env.lookupEnv "COLUMNS"
+ -- is there a better way to set a default?
+ /> maybe 79 (readMaybe .> fromMaybe 79)
+ +> \columns ->
+ src
+ .| Conduit.iterM
+ ( ByteString.filter (/= BSI.c2w '\n')
+ .> (\t -> Log.fmt ["info", "bild", nschunk ns, decodeUtf8 t])
+ .> Text.take (columns - 1)
+ .> (<> "…\r")
+ .> putStr
+ )
+ .| Conduit.foldC
+ |> Conduit.runConduitRes
+nschunk :: Namespace -> Text
+nschunk = Namespace.toPath .> Text.pack
+haskellImports :: Regex.RE Char String
+haskellImports =
+ Regex.string "import"
+ *> Regex.some (Regex.psym Char.isSpace)
+ *> Regex.many (Regex.psym Char.isLower)
+ *> Regex.many (Regex.psym Char.isSpace)
+ *> Regex.some (Regex.psym isModuleChar)
+ <* Regex.many Regex.anySym
+isModuleChar :: Char -> Bool
+isModuleChar c =
+ elem c <| concat [['A' .. 'Z'], ['a' .. 'z'], ['.', '_'], ['0' .. '9']]
+-- | Matches on `(require :package)` forms and returns `package`. The `require`
+-- function is technically deprecated in Common Lisp, but no new spec has been
+-- published with a replacement, and I don't wanna use asdf, so this is what we
+-- use for Lisp imports.
+lispRequires :: Regex.RE Char String
+lispRequires =
+ Regex.string "(require"
+ *> Regex.some (Regex.psym Char.isSpace)
+ *> Regex.many (Regex.psym isQuote)
+ *> Regex.many (Regex.psym isModuleChar)
+ <* Regex.many (Regex.psym (== ')'))
+ where
+ isQuote :: Char -> Bool
+ isQuote c = c `elem` ['\'', ':']
+nixBuild :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> Target -> IO (Exit.ExitCode, ByteString)
+nixBuild loud maxJobs cores target@(Target {..}) =
+ Env.getEnv "CODEROOT" +> \root ->
+ instantiate root |> run +> \case
+ (_, "") -> panic "instantiate did not produce a drv"
+ (Exit.ExitSuccess, drv) ->
+ drv
+ |> str
+ |> chomp
+ |> str
+ |> realise
+ |> run
+ >> run symlink
+ x -> pure x
+ where
+ instantiate root =
+ Proc
+ { loud = loud,
+ ns = namespace,
+ cmd = "nix-instantiate",
+ -- Getting the args quoted correctly is harder than it should be. This
+ -- is tightly coupled with the code in the nix builder and there's no
+ -- way around that, methinks.
+ args =
+ [ ["--argstr", "analysisJSON", str <| Aeson.encode <| (Map.singleton namespace target :: Analysis)],
+ ["--arg", "bild", str <| "import " <> root </> "Omni/Bild.nix {}"],
+ [str <| root </> "Omni/Bild/Builder.nix"]
+ ]
+ |> mconcat
+ |> map Text.unpack,
+ onFailure = ["bild", "instantiate", nschunk namespace] >>,
+ onSuccess = pure ()
+ }
+ realise drv =
+ Proc
+ { loud = loud,
+ ns = namespace,
+ cmd = "nix-store",
+ args =
+ [ "--realise",
+ drv,
+ "--add-root",
+ nixdir </> outname out,
+ "--max-jobs",
+ str maxJobs,
+ "--cores",
+ str cores
+ ],
+ onFailure = ["bild", "realise", nschunk namespace] >>,
+ onSuccess = Log.good ["bild", nschunk namespace] >>
+ }
+ symlink =
+ Proc
+ { loud = loud,
+ ns = namespace,
+ cmd = "ln",
+ args =
+ [ "--relative",
+ "--force",
+ "--symbolic",
+ nixdir </> outname out </> "bin" </> outname out,
+ bindir </> outname out
+ ],
+ onFailure = ["bild", "symlink", nschunk namespace] >>,
+ onSuccess = pure ()
+ }